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• y/n's pov •

An echoing rumble trembled the ground beneath us, the stone door instantly falling shut behind us.

Now, all that remained was this metal ladder, that led upwards to a wooden entrance. The wooden entrance.

My gaze became fixed upon the cold ground.

"We're here," I heard Diluc say before me.

For some reason, those very two words felt like a sharp pin piercing through my heart.

I hadn't even realised when Diluc unlocked these handcuffs once again, packing them away, along with the Fatui mask that I had been wearing for this past week.

"There's no need for the act anymore," Diluc informed me. "But you should still wear the coat: I don't want you to get ill."

All I could muster was a small hum.

Unconsciously, my face reddened when Diluc's warm hand slipped around my face, gently lifting it to make me look at him. A small gulp travelled down my throat, my pupils slightly flickering.

"Are you alright?" Diluc questioned, concern laced within his tone. "You've been very quiet since we set out this morning."

My mouth opened for just a short second, but immediately clamped shut. Soon enough, Diluc's fingers began to run through my hair, causing my eyelashes to flutter as my pounding heart was finally beginning to calm.

"It's stupid," I mumbled.

"I'm sure it isn't," Diluc replied. "What's on your mind? Are you worried about what's to come?"

My head shook. "It's not... It's not that..."

Diluc's head tilted. I swallowed, allowing him to take my hand into his.

"D...do you think..." I began, my spare fist clenching.

Before I knew it, my eyes began to blur with dissatisfied tears.

"Do you think... my mom would be disappointed in me..?"

I refused to meet eyes with Diluc again.

"She specifically took me out of Snezhnaya all those years ago... and here I am coming right back... Have I... Have I disrespected her..? I think I messed up, Diluc..."

My eyes fluttered shut as Diluc's gloved thumbs held my flushed cheeks, delicately wiping away the tears.

I frowned as he shushed me, placing a soft kiss upon my forehead.

"Why do you say that?" I blinked as Diluc let out a small chuckle. "You haven't come to Snezhnaya to return: you've come to Snezhnaya to protect Mondstadt, the very nation she brought you to. She would be immensely proud of you."

My lips pursed. "You think..?"

Diluc nodded immediately. "I know."

With a small exhale, I managed the smallest grateful smile, allowing him to kiss my face once more.

"Shall we go now? Or do you need a few minutes? This is something possibly daunting for you, after all."

Torches crackled with fire in the empty corridor we stood in, our voices echoing slightly against the stone corridors as Diluc leant upon the metal ladder that was so scarily close to our destination.

I shook my head, taking in a long breath.

"Let's go. I'll go first."

Diluc blinked. "Are you sure?"

I nodded, pushing away the negative thoughts attempting to cloud my mind.

"I'm sure."

I wasn't. But false hope was everything I needed at that moment.

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