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• third person •

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck fuck.

Diluc clutched (Y/N)'s body, ignoring each and every concerned look and call from the few civilians in the streets as he sprinted past them.

Jean didn't tell me it was this severe. Fuck.

(Y/N) shuffled in his hold. Diluc glanced down at her upon hearing a soft sob, her eyes still closed.

Immediately, his grip tightened on her, hiding her face from anyone who was trying to peek. Drips of trailing blood followed them with each step Diluc took.

(Y/N)'s hand gripped Diluc's jacket, pitiful tears drenching the fabric of his shirt.

"Master D–?"

"Open the door," he demanded.

The Knights before the door of the Cathedral instantly pushed it open. Diluc just audibly thanked them, before rushing in.


"Don't speak," Diluc interrupted (Y/N). "You've hit your head pretty bad. Just rest, alright?"

(Y/N) shook her head. "No," she cried. "Diluc..."

Diluc's heart clenched. His head raised upon finding the voice he was searching for.

"Master Diluc? Oh Barbatos! Is that (Y/N)?"

The pigtailed deaconess had just arrived from a large room within the Cathedral. Instantly, she sprinted towards the couple. (Y/N) hid her face back into Diluc's shoulder.

"Follow me!" Barbara exclaimed.

Soon, they found themselves inside that very room Barbara had just returned from.

"B-Big sis..!"

Jean turned from the bed she stood at. Her eyes widened.

"What happened?" she questioned, approaching them immediately. Diluc placed (Y/N) onto a spare bed, wiping her tears away with his gloved hands. Her eyes remained closed, her arm covering her face, unable to face anyone.

Running his hand through his hair, Diluc cursed beneath his breath. "Kaeya's been poisoned."

Jean's head jolted up.

And then down, taking in (Y/N)'s wounds. And then back up at Diluc again in disbelief.

"This was Kaeya's doing..?"

"It wasn't Kaeya," (Y/N) cried. "It wasn't him. He didn't want to hurt me."


The deaconess jumped slightly, after having been staring with her mouth covered, her lips quivering. Instantly, she nodded at her sister, dismissing herself to bring the things she knew she was hinting for.

Tears continued to slip down (Y/N)'s cheeks as Diluc ran his fingers through her hair, quietly shushing her in attempt to calm her.

"When did Kaeya drink?" Jean asked, delicately tugging off the straps of (Y/N)'s detachable hood. "(Y/N), I'm going to try my best to heal your wounds personally, alright? It seems the back of your head has been hurt, so after I'll need to test your mobility... Is that okay?"

(Y/N) simply nodded, her fingers clutching the large hand that clasped around hers.

"It's my fault," Diluc muttered with a heave of his chest. "I allowed him to have a stupid drinking competition with Venti. They both had ten whole glasses of Death After Noon before they both eventually passed out."

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