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• third person •

Like everyday, it was a snowy day in Snezhnaya.

(Y/N) pouted slightly as she walked, the strange man not too far behind.

"If you can travel with me so casually now, why didn't you just come out in the first place? Shouldn't you be going back into hiding?"

Lu blinked, his lower face hidden in his blue scarf.

"No offence, but right now, you're not in any state of mind to be travelling by yourself." (Y/N)'s eyebrows furrowed. "You're not in the right mind right now, so I'm obligated to accompany you now, according to little Diluc's orders."


"Don't worry. I'll go back into the background once you've gotten to your house." Lu chuckled. "You'll probably need some alone time at that point."

(Y/N)'s gaze fell.

"Is Diluc your boss or something?" she questioned quietly.

Instantly, a hearty laugh filled the area. (Y/N)'s pout only deepened.

"Little Diluc? I'm the boss of that silly little guy! Being the richest man in Mondstadt just puts him on his high horse, but I don't really mind. We're all here to help each other out, after all."

(Y/N)'s gaze wandered, gradually falling quiet again. Lu only continued to smile fondly.

It wasn't long until (Y/N) had broken the silence again.

"You said you met Diluc when you got him out of a 'little predicament'. Can I ask what it was?"

At that, Lu merely blinked, amused.

"Hmm... it depends how much you know."

"I know Diluc was on a journey back then. To find the origins of his father's delusion."

Lu shook his head. "He didn't tell you a thing."

(Y/N)'s face scrunched. Lu began to walk ahead.

"W-wait! What do you mean?" she exclaimed. "Maybe he didn't tell me much because- because I never thought to ask! It wasn't really my business..."

(Y/N)'s tracks in the snow halted.

"To be honest... despite being his wife..."

A frown tugged at the corners of her lips.

"I don't know much about Diluc..."

A soft sigh escaped Lu. He turned around, tilting his head as the lady in front of him had her eyes fixed upon the snowy blankets beneath their feet.

"How long have you known him? Properly."

(Y/N)'s face reddened.

"Um... almost..." She bit her lip. "U-uh, pass."

"Almost three years," Lu answered for her. "I'm not judging. Love is love! But you shouldn't beat yourself up over not knowing your partner that well when you haven't even really known them for that long at all. Sometimes you just click instantly and know that's who you want to be with forever, despite the past you may not know about. I'm sure your love is strong enough to get past all that."

A small exhale left Lu's lips. "I'll tell you a little. It's not really my business to tell, but I know Diluc doesn't mind me telling you. I'm sure you could have inferred it yourself too by now. The conversation just never came up between you two, and that's perfectly fine."

The older man continued to walk. (Y/N) stared at his back for a silent moment, before hurriedly catching up to him.

"Diluc did go travelling for that reason, yes," Lu began, "but also to... perhaps tame the raging sea in his heart." (Y/N)'s eyes widened at the familiar phrase. "The little guy was distraught after his father's death, his falling out with his dear brother, and the betrayal of his beloved Knights, and knew that travelling and leaving Mondstadt was his only option. He was barely hanging on in those few months he stayed in Mondstadt, shortly after turning eighteen."

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