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• third person •

Galloping echoed through the evening air, a shard of purple lightning piercing into the wind, a shriek following from the very last monster that had finally succumbed to the ground.

"G... G..."

(Y/N) lowered her bow, clutching the reins of the horse she sat upon.

"I don't know anyone whose name starts with 'G'!" she exclaimed in exasperation.

Cursing beneath her breath, (Y/N) rubbed her forehead, running her hand through her hair. The people she'd just saved from a few hilichurls thanked her gratefully before going on their way.

"Ugh..." (Y/N)'s horse began to lead them back towards the city, as it would everyday. "Stupid Gatui."

She snorted at her own joke.

Her horse neighed disapprovingly.

Playfully, (Y/N) rolled her eyes, shaking her head, before stroking its neck gently. "Let's just go home."

Luckily for them, Mondstadt wasn't far at all. It wasn't long until (Y/N) had dropped off her horse at the stable, and now she was heading to her favourite place to relax.

Perhaps it was because her best friend was often there.

No, of course it was because her husband worked there. It was always fun to get a little tipsy around him.

The golden lights of Mondstadt glittered in the gentle evening breeze, the people slowly leaving the streets to head to bed, or of course, the tavern.

(Y/N) pushed open the door, a large beam on her lips. The cheerful sound of the playing of the bard and the chatter of the people instantly filled her ears, and–

"My, if it isn't my lovely sister-in-law! I've been waiting for you to come here all week!"

Instantly, (Y/N)'s grin fell into a pout.

The blue-haired man leapt from his seat, his visible eye sparkling with joy.

And, perhaps, a little drunkenness.

(Y/N) folded her arms. Kaeya had his spread right open.

"Don't mind him. He just had a drinking competition with Venti. Ten whole glasses of Death After Noon. Venti's on the floor."

(Y/N)'s gaze fell.

The green-clothed bard was indeed, on the floor.

The purple-haired woman at the table sipped her glass of wine, a scarily slight smile on her pale lips, almost as if she were endeavouring to hold back her own laughs. (Y/N) glanced behind the counter and, there you have it. The culprit.

"Economics," was all Diluc had to say.

Rosaria covered her mouth, hiding her face.

"Sister-in-law! Come and give me a hug! We're like siblings now: give your big bro a hug!"

"We're the same age, Kaeya."

Kaeya giggled, instantly pulling (Y/N) into his arms. (Y/N) couldn't help but hug back, gently patting his back.

A little jumpy, Kaeya pulled away, immediately going back to his seat, patting the one that... was previously the green bard's. "Sit, sit!" he exclaimed. "Let's have a nice drink..!"

Sighing, (Y/N) sat, exchanging a glance with her husband, who was nonchalantly cleaning glasses. Of course, she noticed the slight smirk on his face as well. These people were so evil.

"Well," Diluc placed a wine glass upon the counter, leaning forward, "what will it be today, my dear wife?"

"Get a room!" Kaeya groaned. As did the dead bard on the floor. And then died again.

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