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• third person •

"I don't really look like a cicin mage..."

Diluc passed her a dark Fatui mask.

"Wear that."

(Y/N) glanced at him as he continued to check through the single bag that they were taking.

Eventually, Diluc turned to face her. (Y/N) pouted when his lips pursed, holding back a laugh.

"You look perfect," he chuckled. "As long as you can use electro it should be fine."

"It's hot in this," (Y/N) whined.

Diluc giggled, kissing the side of her face. "I'll tell you when to wear it." He slipped the coat off her shoulders, gently tugging off the mask. "Everything's ready. Shall we set out?"

With a smile, Diluc placed the coat and the mask into the rucksack, zipping it up all the way. (Y/N)'s gaze wandered.

A frown tugged at the corners of her lips when her eyes landed on the softly glowing lamp grass upon their nightstand.

"Let's get back to Mondstadt as soon as we can," she mumbled.

Diluc nodded. He swung the bag's handles over his shoulders.

"We will, I promise."

"Now," Diluc placed the rucksack down into the deep snow beneath them, "your cicin mage persona begins now."

(Y/N) glanced around, her eyebrows furrowed in perplexion.

"Why are we in Dragonspine?"

"You'll see." Diluc pulled out the coat and mask, gently tugging her close to him. (Y/N) blinked as he dressed her, her head slightly tilting.

"Make sure you don't make it known that you know me," Diluc warned, buttoning up her coat. "Just follow on with whatever I say. You'll be able to tell who I trust and who I don't. You don't have to speak or say anything if you're uncomfortable. I'll cover for you."

"No one outside of this network should know about it, hence we're pretending you're my hostage. I'll make it out that I'm going to kill you once we get to Snezhnaya. Even so, not a word of this to anyone, alright, love?"

"O-okay..." she mumbled. She pursed her lips, dreadfully aware of her increasing heartbeat. She wasn't used to Diluc being this serious anymore.

To her surprise, Diluc began to pull something else out of the rucksack.

"Let's pretend we haven't used these for other purposes."

Metal grinding against the chains Diluc held, he pulled out a key to unlock them. Handcuffs.

"If they begin to make you feel uncomfortable, just tell me," he said softly.

In all honesty, (Y/N) wanted to make a dirty joke. But as Diluc cuffed her hands with that serious look on his face despite his gentle tone, it only made the nerves inside her rise, well over the need for jokes.

Diluc glanced up at her, reaching out, placing the keys into her pocket just in case she ever needed them and he wasn't there.

"Will we be okay? You won't be caught in Snezhnaya this way..?"

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