
934 46 124

• third person •

Gloria tapped her chin, swirling a potion in her hand.

If I poured this on a lock of his hair, what colour would it turn that bright red?

She smiled, standing.

Changing his hair colour might be a nice surprise for when dear (Y/N) returns.

With a mischievous smirk, she approached the door of the tent, about to head out to the house not to far.

All of a sudden, she stood back, the door almost wacking her in the face.


Her eyes widened.

That very pretty lady stood right in front of her.

"I'm back."

Gloria blinked. She was stunned for a moment.

"Oh..." she glanced at the vial in her hand, "what a shame."

"I have the inventions." (Y/N) dumped the rucksack onto the floor. "Do with them what you will. Search my mind. And kill me if you think I am guilty of betraying the Fatui."

Gloria's head tilted, her immensely long hair following. Her eyes narrowed with a thin smile. "Straight to the point. I feel you may not be in the best mood after such a long journey. Did you have a fun time, reminiscing?"

(Y/N) rummaged through the rucksack, placing the creations onto the table. She simply ignored Gloria's question.

How I missed seeing that angry face... It is making it increasingly difficult for me to contain myself... hehe...

"Alright," she murmured with a smirk. "Sit."

(Y/N) did so. Gloria picked up the invention to search through her mind.

Being old friends with (Y/N)'s mother meant she already knew exactly how to use it. It was a very interesting creation indeed.

(Y/N) winced, her eyes clamping shut.

Gloria had entered her mind.


What a mess.

The entire area was clouded and dark; it was almost impossible to make anything intelligible out at first glance.

The corner of her lips rose.

Looks like she found the truth of her father, after all.

And... oh..?

She found the truth of her dear Diluc too...

Gloria chuckled.

No wonder.

The most visible memories in (Y/N)'s mind right now were... the quite concerning ones with that lover of hers.

Gloria sighed.

Enough about the recent past. Where is her childhood...

Gloria wandered around. The further she walked, the cloudier it got. The harder it was to move.

As if a strong wind was pulling her back; as if it were a magnet and she was being repelled.

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