33. Change Your Life

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Okay, so I broke my promise. But this time, I'm only going to update when I have time. This story is probably not going to go over chapter 45. Anyway, on other news,

1) Zerrie engagement. I cannot believe that Zayn Freaking Malik is going to get married! And to Perrie freaking Edwards. That is so unbelieveable. Congratulations, Zerrie. You too will have a great wedding, with 100 beautiful babies who sing like angels. 2)This Is Us. HOLY FUCKBALLS. I loved it. I saw it twice already and I may see it again. It was just so incredible to witness those boys like that. To see how far they've come and what they've acheived in 3 fucking years. 3) Diana. HOLY FUCKBALLS.I nearly cried when listening to it. I feel guilty because it was leaked, but I can't wait till the good quality version comes out in November. 4) Midnight memories. GAH! I'm so bloody excited. i cannot freaking wait!!

So anyway, if your still reading this, you really must love my authors notes. If you read this, post in the comment section "cheeseballs". This entire chapter is in Rosie's P.O.V.


Wow. This morning, I woke up to see the glistening sun shining and the room well lit and clear. I take it all in to the fact that I'm engaged. I held my left hand out in front of me to see the rock that now lays on my finger. Jeez, this rock is bloody huge. Then, something startled me. The wind. It bristled through the doors and let out cool air into the room. I forgot that we left the balcony doors open. I looked over and saw that the time was 7:13AM. Jeez, it's a bit too early. But, the sky is a strong blue and is very crisp. It looks like the best day and we have to leave in 9 hours. I decided last night, not to consimate the engagement. I don't know why, but it didn't feel right. I really really wanted to, but the situation we have in London is a lot for me to handle. Yeah, I'm completly happy that Niall is now my fiancé, but I feel if we're going to spend eternity together, there is plenty of time for that. Since we are engaged as "Rosie and Niall" and not "Savannah and Niall", it's nice going back to being me before...all of this. I looked over to see my sexy sexy fiancé in a deep trance. He looked so beautiful, even asleep, he just looks handsome. I didn't want him to wake up. Not just yet anyway.

I wanted to go out and look at the country before we had to leave. I decided to go for a quick morning jog. I'm not too worried that Niall will wake up before I get back. He hasn't woken up before 9 o'clock since X-Factor times. I put on a lose shirt and baggy shorts with my old trainers that i bought in high schoo. I tied up my hair into a ponytail, trying not to get it knotty and tangled. Sometimes I think about doing a change. Maybe I should dye it again. Or even get a fringe. I don't know, but since it's hair, it'll grow. It's not like it's permanant. And short hair is more fun and easier to handle. This length is sometimes too much.

I wrote Niall a note saying I went for a jog, just in case he does wake up before i return. I got a bottle from the fridge and just went out the door. Where I'm going to go is the question. There is so much I haven't seen, but I guess I have to enjoy what I've got. I might go down the cliff towards the beach and jog there. At least that way, it will be easier for me to find my way back. After a while, I start to get a bit tired and sore, so I decide to take a quick break. I stopped while I walked underneath the pier. I think I might go up there and see if there are any benches I can sit on. I was going to walk up. But something stopped me. I saw something moving in the sand. It was if the sand grains were cascading in. I didn't know what it was, obviously, but it intrigued me. I'm in Greece, I can be a bit curious and wonderous. I knelt down to investigate. A little peck popped out of the sand. But the peck turned into a bigger peck. It was wriggling like it wanted to break free. It turned into a head. A turtle's head. A baby turtle was hacthing. This is amazing. New life is coming into the world. As I sat and admired this cute little turtle make its way towards the ocean, it gave me an epiphany. I realise that in life, everyone needs those moments to themselves. Those moments were there is only you and only you know how that moment felt and what it was like to witness anything like that. I was very open about my life. I told Nicki everything and excluding the whole lie with Niall, he knew me so well. I've shared a lot of information about me to my friends, fiancé and the rest of the world, but It was nice to have this quiet moment were I witnessed it by myself.

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