34. Closure

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Okay, I know I'm a dickhole for not publishing in like, forever and I wanted to make it up to you. I know I said this story will go to 40 chapters, but I'm deciding to end it in the next or the next next chapter. It sort of played out like that. There will be about two epilogues since I don't want to write in like 3 months later or so. There won't be a sequel (sorry if anyone wanted one, but i don't think a sequel would fit), but I'll regulary update my other story, Audrey since I really think I can make it good. I want to thank anyone who has read this story and have waited for weeks for this update. I'm sorry if I disappointed anyone by ending it soon on a short notice. Thanks for all of the votes, reads and comments. I'll post the prologues next week. Enjoy my lovlies

Nikki P.O.V

I can't believe it came to this. I'm leaving. I'm going back home to see my family and leaving this place. My only regret was that I called Rosie every possible curse under the sun. She is far from a cock-sucking motherfucking slut. She isn't any of those things, she is an amazing, brave person who I owe a lot to. I never thought I'd meet celebrities and I did, I never thought I'd travel the world alongside one of the biggest boybands and I did, and I never thought I could find love, and I did. If anything, I should be her bitch dog.

But at the same time, it was one of my most emotional and darkest times of my life, because it ended in a devastating heartbreak, I self-harmed myself and I lost my child, but I learnt a lot. I learnt that I can love someone. Actually fall in love with another person. The real kind of love. Being with Jesse gave me hope that I can love again. I know that love is like snowflakes, there isn't two alike, but I know that if I can find love that great, the next person I love won't be a let down.

Yes, I'm a fucking idiot for fucking Zayn to get back at Jesse. And that ended me getting pregnant and Jesse leaving me, but in a way, I'm glad it happened. It's not like I'm overjoyed that it happened, because I did cut myself, but I learnt a lesson. If you love someone, you won't cheat on them. Because if you cheat on them, you don't love them.

I'm going to miss this place. It was a great place to live and I can remember this part of my life in 20 years and I look back on what I had done. I'll remember this as the happiest and the saddest part of my life. I was lined up to board my luggage onto the conveyer belt. I guess this is it. I guess I'm leaving England. No more Jesse. No more of the boys. No more Rosie.

No more lies.

I was standing in line to check in my luggage. It still doesn't feel real.

And I guess I'm not gonna make it real.

What am I doing?

Why am I fleeing?

Whenever you have problems, you should fix them, not run away from them. If I had a pound for every time I ran away from an issue, I'd be richer than the boys. I shouldn't be doing this.

I can't do this to someone I've grown to love and care for.

Why should I give up on a promise I made to a friend who I know call a sister? If this is her choice, I should support her and not tell her what to do. I should be a friend and let her live her life how she wants. I pushed the luggage trolley out of the queue and started walking outside. I need to go back. This is my home now.

I arrived back at the hotel and I payed the taxi my fee. I got out and took my luggage from the boot. I hope she'll let me back into her house after what I said. Some of the things were harsh. As I was walking to the enterance with my luggage, I noticed her car in the parking lot. She's home. That's good because I didn't want to wait outside for her, as selfish as that sounds. I pulled my trolley inside with me and I made my way over to the elevator. I stood in the elevatior waiting for it to reach my-well, Rosie's floor. When the ding went off and the doors opened, I walked down the halway to find her room. When I finally made it, I stopped for a moment. This is it. I guess it's sort of a reunion. But it's a pretty messed up situation.

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