11. Life From The 50's

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So sorry, I have writers block! Hopefully it's good. I really wanted to be completely focused on this chapter as its Niall and Sav's firt date, but I can't concentrate. Anyway, here it is. :)

Rosie P.O.V

I am shitting myself. It pretty much sums it all up in how I'm feeling right bow. I am beyond the word nervous about my date with Niall. I haven't been on a date since the last guy tried to make me go all the way. I guess that I'm not the dating type, even from high school. I mean, some guys would come up to me, but some would go on Facebook and message me. The lamest way is passing notes. I've gotten that once. It's completely lame and cowardly. Are you really that embarrassed to ask me out? I just miss life from the 50's, you know? Proper love. Romance. I know that I always compare life to movies and books, but I want that love. He properly asks her out in a very sweet way and they enjoy themselves and fall in love. I also miss proper dates. Cuddling together in the movies then being protected by the scary parts, going to the fair and kissing on top of the ferris wheel, the drive-ins, romantic dinner and he pays at the end. I miss those dates. I seriously want that life. But because we live in 2011 with Facebook, iPhones and MTV brainwashing us, that will never happen.

I was waiting in my hotel, shaking in my sneakers. I was wearing black leggings, a blue sweater to that covered bum and accessorised with stud earrings, a white watch and a heart necklace. Nikki curled my hair and put on my makeup very subtly. Whenever I talked about the date, she would cut me off. I think she wants to go on this date. To do her a favour, I will get Jas to set her up with someone really hot. She has the best taste in guys. Hearing the doorbell snapped me out of my thoughts. Wow. Usually guys text me to come outside. I opened the door and saw Niall with a nine long stem red roses in his hands. Oh my god. This was so sweet. I've never received flowers from a guy before. "These are for you," he said whilst handing me the bouquet.

"Aww, red roses. Niall, thank you,'

I took them from his hands and went back in to put them in a vase with water. "You ready?"

"Yeah. Where are we going?"

"Somewhere fun," he smirked as I walked out the door.

"Is it a carnival?" I assumed. by the disappointed look on his face, I guess I got it right.

"Shit, am I that predictable?" He groaned in frustration. I wish i could take it back.

"No, that's just you,"

Niall P.O.V

Hopefully, she'll love it. I'm a really cheesy guy and I love to have fun with girls. Normally, I don't usually take them on dates like this, but I wanted it to feel special. I held her hand as we went to the elevator.

"To make it up to you, I'll still pretend I don't know where we're going," she insisted. She definitely can brighten my mood. even if I hit my foot on a stump, she could make me forget about the pain.

"Sounds silly...but ok," I agreed. May as well, I planned it out. I had a blindfold and everything.

"Can you please tell me where we're going?" She asked me, trying to sound as sweet and convincing as possible.

"You really hate the word 'surprise', don't you?" I went along with her.

"Kind of,"

"Well, when we get there it'll be amazing,"

"I know," she whispered.

When we reached the lobby, I gently grabbed her hand again and made our way to my car. Whenever I touched her soft skin, I always got tingles in my body. Its hard to explain, I feel...happy. I can honestly say that she makes me forget about Denise. It's like she fills the hope I ached for the past weeks.

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