9. Nothing But Gossip

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Rosie as blonde on the right >

Nikki P.O.V

As soon as we left Taco Bell and got into the car, Rosie began driving.The only noise you could hear was us breathing. It was dead silent til we reached the traffic lights and stopped.

"Why'd you say no?" I asked her, so intrigued.

"Well, first of all, who was that?"

"Who?" I was scanning through my brain to what people we encountered.

"Well, the guy who said 'Goddbye, Nikki',"

"Oh, him. I guess you want an explanation, huh?"

"You think?" Rosie asked sarcastically. I don't like mentioning him. I mean, he meant the world to me, he treated me like gold, made me happy, but then, one day I woke up and, it was all gone.

"Okay, Richard...was my ex-fiance,"

"WHAT? That's him?!" She was stunned, off her face. The lights turned green and she exelorated with full speed.

"Yes, that's the guy I was saying who I fell in love with,"

"Didn't you say his name was Blake?"

"No, he was my first time, I told you the story of him but I never mentioned Richard's name,"

"Oh. So, do you still love Richard,"

"It's hard to forget your first love. But I broke it off. I'm the one who said 'I can't do it anymore'. He was great but it wasn't there anymore,"

It took all I had in me not to cry and get super emotional. Of course I still have feelings but, I said I wasn't ready to settle down. I'm still not ready at this stage at only 20 years old. When I got engaged, it was out of high school and I wasn't ready, I hadn't lived my life properly and to the fullest, I know that if I broke it off but still wanted to be 'friends', it would never work. Richard would've never propose in the future, scared to commit himself again.

"Do you want me to find you someone so you can get over Richard,"

"That'd be nice. But first, why'd you say no to Niall's offer?"

Rosie P.O.V

I couldn't avoid it anymore. I have reasons for saying no. "Look, I don't think it's a great idea," Okay, so maybe my reasons suck. I don't know why I denied the offer to go on a date with him. If I was myself again, I would've been demanding him and shouting the right response. "You don't think it's a great idea? That is the lamest excuse I've heard, and I make lame excuses to never see a guy again,"

"I know, but I'm scared,"


"I don't know,"

"Rose, every girl gets that feeling of the date offer. I've gotten that feeling many times, you know what I saw?"

"Wanna fuck?"

"No, I say 'Sure, my place in 5 minutes.' Okay maybe you weren't far off,"

I then hummed agreeing. We finally reached my place and got out of the car, still going on with our conversation. "Look, I will say yes, but not today,"

"Okay," she replied in defeat. Thank god. We walked thoroughly the revolving doors and made our way to the elevator. I clicked the up button and waited impatiently.

"How about tomorrow?" Nikki asked so quick and perky. Was she going to ever let it slide? I mesn, a month ago, I would've jumped at the chance, but, being Savannah, I want to see how much he really cares for her.

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