Chapter 14: Coincidence 🌸

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When you got back to the casita the whole family was there as if they were there all day. Julieta smiled at you kindly and greeted you. You were soon met by Isabela who looked worn out and tired.

Not tired by anything physical because she looked gorgeous as always. "Hi mi Flor" she said and pecked your lips. You kissed her on the cheek getting your lipstick all over her face. You giggled at the sight. She looked like she was at a bar.

"Where were you all day" you said annoyed. She blushed and smirked right after. "I should be asking you that, you look like a million pesos" you blushed at her compliment and smiled. " I was out with your sisters" she looked at her sisters who were behind you. You turned around to see the girls with grins plastered on their faces from ear to ear.

Isabela gave them a thumbs up but you didn't see it. You knew the entire family was hiding something from you. Luisa and mirabel was just their distractions. You were going to wait for Isabela to break it to you.

"Now it's your turn to answer" you said changing the subject. She laughed awkwardly and smiled "I went to do extra chores"

"So the whole family was doing extra chores at the same exact time and you all came home at the same time too" you said making eye contact with her for a while "'s a coincidence" she said and ran  to her room. You rolled your eyes and walked up the stairs slowly. 

"Ah! Y/n, my future daughter" Agustin said to Julieta. Julieta smacked his arm and smiled at you as if you didn't see it. You rolled your eyes again and opened Isabela's door.

She was already sound asleep. You smiled at her fake snore and jumped into bed with her. "I know you are awake" you said with a smirk. You took off your heels and wiped your makeup off before resting your head on the pillow

Time skip

By now Isa was already asleep so you just stayed up writing in your journal until you saw a small shimmer under her bed. Being nosy, you climbed out of bed to find out what it was. 

You took out a large notebook that had glitter and sparkles everywhere. It didn't have a title so you just assumed it was her diary. She read yours so why not read hers. You owned the book to see yesterday's date on the very first page.

'So this book is recent' you thought to yourself. You started reading. 

She makes me smile all the time. Butterflies have never invaded my stomach like this before. She makes me happier than anything in the world.

"Who is she?" You said to yourself. You soon heard Isabela mumbling something. "Y/n where are you" she said still half asleep. You panicked and bumped your head under the bed. 

"Amor I am going down to get some water, go back to sleep" you said quickly while rubbing your head intensely. "Mk" she said and went back to bed. You flipped to the next page. 

 I am doing something very secretive but my girlfriend can't know anything about it . If she finds out everything will go wrong. I even have my whole family in on it.

You closed the book with your mouth wide open. "Is she cheating on me" you mumbled to yourself. You soon started to tear up and rested the book back where it was .

'She can't be' you reminded yourself. But then again when you asked her where she was she started blushing. What if she was out on a date. 

What is she was at  club...or a bar... or what if she got DRUNK and fucked someone. You erased that thought and went back into bed. 'I'll wait for her to tell me' you said. You soon fell asleep.

 Little time had passed and you woke up again "I'm going to figure it out" you said loudly with determination on your face "Figure what out?" Isabela said half asleep. "Nothing" you said with bitterness laced in your tone.

Edited :thx for so many views, I love getting those notifications of you guys adding my book to your reading lists and voting on them. I just make it  part of my night routine to smile at this. Thankyou from the bottom of my heart.

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