Chapter 22:Dad🌸

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We silently walked to casita. The town was quiet, I guess everyone went home early. There was people whispering close to the stalls. "I heard that man and his wife left their daughter when she was 18" you heard whispering. 

My dad cringed and looked away. He scratched the back of his head and continued to walk. "We are here" Camilo softly stated. Casita opened its doors wildly and you walked in. "We're Home!" Camilo shouted. 

Everyone came out of their rooms to see what was going on. "Oh...your back" Alma fixed her hair. "With him?" Isabela coldly asked. " look everyone, he had nothing to do with this, my mom is the bad guy here. Sure he made some mistakes back then but, don't we all?"

Everyone nodded in agreement. "My father is sorry and I gave him a second chance and you all should too" you looked down seeing the silence in the room. "She is right" Isabela came next to you. "If y/n can forgive him, we can too" she stood up for you.

You intertwined your hands with hers and smiled at her. "What do you guys say?" You asked with more confidence. 

"I forgive him" Dolores smile. "Me too" mirabel said proudly. "So do I" Antonio giggled. "Eh why not" Camilo shapeshifted into your father and shook hands with him. Soon everyone decided to forgive.

"Well would you like to stay with us?" Abuela openly said. "I couldn't intrude, I much rather go to my old house" your father looked down. "Ok then, but if there is anything that you need we are here." Abuela smiled. Isabela looked worried.

"Y/n do you have keys?" Your dad asked. You chuckled awkwardly. "I threw it in a puddle of water" you said looking the opposite direction. "What specific puddle?"

"Well more like a puddle last year" you said. "What am I going to do now?" 

"We do have copies of every single key in the encanto, would you like that" Julieta offered. "Sure, thankyou senora" 

"I'm going to be your daughters mother in law, please, call me Julieta" she smiled and walked away. "I know where the keys are" you said signalling for him to follow.

"Im haven't been to this house in ages n/n" 

"Yup" you awkwardly walked faster. "Hey, I know you have your life here and all but, don't forget about your old man, I'm still going to be in town" he smiled at you. "I won't papi" you hugged him.

"Here we are" you said opening the small room. The walls were filled with keys with intricate designs and little tags. There were some missing slots. " this should be fun" your dad said sarcastically.

" haha very funny" you looked around trying o find the tag with your last name.

You spent about 30 minutes in there before your dad shouted. "Found it"


You both walked to the doors. You saw Isabela come up to you. "Does this are leaving?" She sadly walked closer. "Well what do you think?" You puased.

"Of course not!" You yelled. Her face became more relaxed. "You scared me there" she said and some flowers from her hair dissolved into thin air. "Bye papi" you waved as he left. 

"I am tired!" She paused. "Wanna go bathe in Antonio's river?" 

"Hell yeah! Let's go"

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