Chapter 16: just follow🌸

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You heard a familiar voice shout coming from the the door. "Camilo!" You yelled annoyed at his antics. "I mean, no! You shouldn't give a away a customer's business away like that, as a madrigal it is my job to protect my town and the people in it, you shouldn't tell her what they were buying" he said rushed and awkward

You rolled your eyes as he aggressively took your hand and led you out of the small shop. "What are you doing! I need to find out what you guys are hiding" trying to pull away. "No come with me" he said grabbing your hand tighter.

He led you to a tree, it was the tree where you had met Isabela for the first time and also where you got your feelings for her. It had a piece of paper with an arrow pointing to the left with a little note under the arrow

 It had a piece of paper with an arrow pointing to the left with a little note under the arrow

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(Kinda like that but with words on the bottom)

"What is this" you said not noticing the note. He got your attention and led you to the words. 

This is where we met, I have no regret, now go to the place where I was upset

You thought for a second. "Where she got upset" you thought out loud. "Camilo you know the answer to all of these don't you" you said not getting the answer.

"Yeah but you have to figure it out yourself" he said smirking. You scoffed at his response and continued to think. "THE BAKERY" you shouted.

The place where she was upset was the bakery where carlos had kissed you! 'Perfect' you thought. You were running with Camilo on your tail. When you got there you saw Antonio and a (favorite dessert) in his hand with a bright smile. You looked behind you and Camilo was gone.

"Antonio where is your hermano" he smirked. "I can't tell you, he is at the official destination which is what you need to be getting to right now" he said and handed you and arrow with another riddle on the bottom. He smiled while his Tucan flew to his shoulder.

I know I was mad, I know it was sad, I treated you bad with all the hate That I had,now go to the place were you were left sad

"She must be talking about my parents house" you said getting exited. It was leading towards the other direction, it was pointing north which was where the forest that you loved going to was but you wanted to follow the arrows just in case.

You went to your parents house as you were walking, Antonio wasn't there anymore. You saw Dolores at the front door on your old house. So much memories came back to you as you stared at the front door alone.

She handed you the paper while hugging you seeing your saddened expression 

Dolores can hear, you can cheer, go some place that is really near

You couldn't think of anything. Dolores pointed to the arrow. The arrow pointed to the left and the nearest thing to the left was a playground with a bunch of kids playing around, it was closest to your house. 

Dolores followed after you and writhing a blink of an eye she disappeared. You walked closer towards the playground to see Luisa standing there with a smile looking at the kids, not noticing you were there she started to stare at the kids playing in an awe. 'She must really want kids' you thought blankly.

She saw you and stiffened up. "Oh" she said fumbling her hands together. She handed you the paper.

You have arrived to the closest, now look in front of you, you will see a forest

You smiled looking at the forest. "Is this some crazy date idea?" You mumbled to yourself. Knowing Luisa would disappear like the others you didn't even bother to look behind, instead you ran to the forest

You were met with mirabel holding a box of your favorite chocolates with a note on top. She also had a beautiful bouquet of (favorite flower). You got teary and smiled. "Is this for me" you said looking at her. 

"Of course, it's from Isabela" she said smiling back at you. She handed you the chocolates and the flower. You read the note

We started backwards, but just move forwards

She was reffering to the day abuela had told you two about the past, she wanted you to move forward, which meant deeper into the forest.

You walked calmly enjoying nature's breeze. You soon heard soft music and in front of you was a giant tent probably the size of a mansion sitting in the middle of the forest. You eyed it up and down. It had beautiful decorations everywhere with nice flowers plastered on it.

 It had beautiful decorations everywhere with nice flowers plastered on it

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(Bigger and more decorations)

It was the most beautiful thing you had seen. Waiting there for you was all the madrigal with an exception of a few villagers. You saw your beautiful girlfriends in the middle of it all witha dazzling dress.

 You saw your beautiful girlfriends in the middle of it all witha dazzling dress

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She looked like a goddess.

"Mi Flor" she said looking at you will love in her eyes

(I hope you all liked this, I made a long chapter today because I have not updated in 5 days! I am very sorry, it's just that people in my other stories are so eager for the next update so I update for them but for this book, people have not been asking for updates so that why it was a delay, I am truly truly sorry)

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