Chapter 23: I do🌸

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Today was the day! today was OUR special day. I slept in Mirabel's room since the brides can't see each other the day of the wedding. "Morning!" you shouted.

"Hey y/n" Mirabel paused. "Someone sounds happy, wonder what today is?" she playfully swinged her hand. "Gee I wonder why" You played along

"We are going to be sisters!" she yelled. "I know Mira I'm so excited" You hugged her tightly.

"This is going to be great" You sighed. "I'm going to get ready now" you got out of bed.

the wedding was going to be in the courtyard outside so you would be getting ready in Dolores' room and Isabela would be in the room across from there.

Dolores and Pepa were helping you get ready.  "Alright we are just about...Done" Pepa adjusted her dress.

"You are all grown up! You are beautiful" Pepa cooed. "Thanks Pepa"

"Nonsense! We are family now! Its Tia Pepa to you little lady " She playfully slapped your shoulder.

"Lets get you in your dress" Dolores interrupted. You got up from the chair and  Looked at the dress. "This is such a gorgeous dress" you looked at it. "Oh I remember when I married Mariano..." she paused but didn't finish. 

she does that a lot. You playfully rolled your eyes at her and slipped the dress on. "Simply amazing" Dolores mused.

You sat back down and looked in the mirror

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You sat back down and looked in the mirror.

'Today is the day y/n' you thought to yourself. In a few minutes you would walk down the aisle Holding hands with your future wife and saying the 2 words that would determine your future.

"I DO" 

It was time for the wedding And the music started. you heard chatter and the people sat down. you peeked through the door and saw everyone outside the door .

Casita shut the main door (which was the one you were walking out of). The "Here comes the bride" song started and first went the flower girls, Then the ring holder, Then the bridesmaids, Then Its was finally time. 

You locked arms with your father and you walked down the aisle.

"Are you ready" He teased. "Yeah" 

Your eyes met with Isabela's and the world stopped.  It was just you and her, no one else. Her dress was so beautiful. You felt all eyes watching but you didn't care.

a tear strolled down your cheek. you wiped it off and smiled. You finally reached Isabela and you held her hand. she was sweating and you could feel it. Your thumb caressed her knuckles and she relaxed a bit.

She mouthed a quick "Thanks" and looked at the priest.

"We all Have gathered here today to honor the love That is happening before our eyes. Y/n And Isabela will vow their lives to each other and take an oath to love each other no matter what." He paused and looked at Isa.

"Now Isabela Madrigal, Please say your vows...The words you are about to say will live on forever, this promise is a commitment" 

Isabela smiled and looked at you. 

"I can't even get started on telling you how much I truly love you Mi life would never be the same without you. I am so happy that I can give you my last name" She paused and the crowd laughed.

"I thought I would be happy with a man that could take care of me and provide everything for me, but you already do that and when we met, I was too oblivious to notice. We have been through so much I want to go through more with you, I want to continue to stay by your side and make you happy. That is why I proposed, That is why I say I love you everyday, That why I compliment you every chance I get and that is why I am standing in front of you today to make you mine"

  You were getting teary by her words and you were trying not to mess up your makeup. Isabela looked into your eyes Deeply and the crowd applauded.

"That was touching Miss madrigal, Now, Y/n L/n, Please say your vows and like I said before, The words you are about to say will live on forever, this promise is a commitment" You nodded and wiped off your tears.

" What we have is no typical love story Amor, I may have been this crazy little kid with a crush to you when we met but that wasn't a crush to me. I was in love with you. You've given me so many smiles over the years and made me feel very special, I am lucky to be able to call you my wife, I will be by your side even when we are old Because you were always there for me when I needed you most. Now everybody knows That Its just you and me until we are gray and old. I love you Isa" The audience applauded 

The both of you were weeping like little babies and the priest let you guys calm down before starting to speak. 

"Those were some very touching vows ladies"

"Before we begin does anyone object?" The room went silent.

" Now, Isabela madrigal, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do" She confidently spoke. "Now, Y/n l/n,  do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in (holy) matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

This is it. The words that mean commitment. the question is are you willing to take that commitment?

"I Do" You said and looked into Isabela's eyes. You guys have kissed multiple times before but this was different. "You may now kiss the bride" 

She leaned in and so did you. your lips touched and you melted into her arms. you could hear the applause but, you couldn't care less.  The world went in slow motion and it was like no one else existed. She pulled away and smiled at you.

"Now you're mine"

"forever" you said and kissed her again. 

(This was one of the long chapters, Anyways, I was going to make y/n say I DON'T for that part but I promised there were no more plot twists so I guess I will keep my word...Hopefully)

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