Chapter Six: That's the Best Part

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"What are you writing down?" Jimin asks me, trying to read it upside down.

We had finished our food and were slowly sharing some Korean dessert that was sitting between us. Jimin had told me that it was red bean and mochi cake. Whatever it was, I liked it.

I was currently adding songs to my setlist. 

"Just a few more songs that I want to see at the show," I tell him as I look over the list that I just made.

Spring Day

I Like It

Life Goes On

Make it Right

Stay Gold

Film Out





Born Singer


Miss Right


Boys with Fun (too much of a stretch?)

I Like It Part 2

For You

Young Forever

Pied Piper

Magic Shop

Let Go

Jimin looks over the list with a frown on his beautiful face as he rests his chin on his hand.

"What?" I ask him. "What's wrong?"

"What was that little girl's name in your class? Madison?" He asked, but continued out without letting me answer. "She said that Hobi-Hyung is your bias, and I think that I agree."

"What're you talking about?" I ask, still frowning at him.

"Every single one of those songs he sings on," he tells me with a laugh. " Actually sings. And that is a long list you have there. Not just a few songs, like you said."

"Oh..." I said, looking down at my list. He was right. "To be honest, I hadn't even noticed. But I do like his voice. I like when he actually gets to sing. Usually he does that half-rap/half-singing thing, which I also love. His voice is soothing."

I look up to see him staring at me.

"What?" I ask him, blushing as I look back down at my list.

"I'm going to have to make sure that you don't meet Hobi-Hyung," he tells me with a laugh. "He could steal you away from me so easily, couldn't he?"

"Nah, he couldn't," I tell him, reaching out to touch his hand. "I'm not going anywhere, just because I like his voice, Jimin. I love yours, too."

"You should ask if he and Yoongi-Hyung can do Otsukare again," he tells me.

"Oh! I loved when they did that!" I told him, then I wrote it down on my list. "Do you think that they would do it again?"

Jimin shrugged a shoulder at me. "They might. They both loved it. They had so much fun. I don't think that they've ever performed it outside of Japan, though."

"Oh I would love if they would do that," I tell him with a giggle. "But I don't want to ask them and make them uncomfortable if they really don't want to do it."

True Mates Book One: The SetlistWhere stories live. Discover now