Chapter Fourteen: I Meant It

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*******Aurora's POV*******

"What are you doing, Amara?" I asked from where I was lying on the floor. It was cooler than anywhere else, and my body constantly feels overheated.

"I'm going to call him and give him a piece of my mind."

"No!" I said, trying to get up off the floor, but I could barely wiggle around. "Please don't do that."

"It's this one marked J with a heart, right?" she asked me, then clicked without me answering and held the phone up to her ear. I couldn't hear when he answered, I could only hear Amara's loud-ass voice on her side of the conversation.

"No, this isn't Aurora."

"No. She can't come to the phone."

"I'm Amara, her cousin."

"No. No. No! Stop. Jesus, you talk a lot for a guy who goes around ghosting people."

"You did, though. Do you realize how stupid you are? I've never even met you, and I want to slap some sense into you. No, actually, I want to throat punch some sense into you, you little prick. Do you have any idea how amazing Aurora is? As if you could do better than her."

There was a long pause and I watched as she scrunched up her nose and furrowed her eyebrows. "Amara, hang up," I said, as loudly as I could.

She waved me off with her free hand and spoke into the phone again. "No, you can't talk to her, you dumbass. Why would I ever let you anywhere near my amazing, beautiful, smart, and kind cousin ever again."

"Oh you will not! I will find a folding chair and beat you back like a lion tamer at the circus if I have to," she said, making me laugh, then groan and hold onto my stomach.

"I don't care if you can hear her," Amara told Jimin. "She's sick. Really sick. So she can't talk to you right now, and she shouldn't be talking to you ever again after the way that you treated her."

She paused. "You know you treated her badly? Then why did yo-...That's the dumbest fucking reason ever. Look, I don't know who you are, but just stay away from her, okay? She doesn't need you making things worse when she's already one step from being put in the hospital."

She rolled her eyes at whatever he was saying. "Now why would I lie about that? I told you she was sick. I wasn't kidding. It's been over a week and they can't figure out what's wrong with her." She paused, then held her hand over the phone and turned to me. "You don't have to answer this, but he wants to know if you started getting sick after the last text you sent him."

I scrunched up my face. The last text...that was a week ago Friday, and this was Sunday, so almost nine days ago? Hmm...that tracks, actually, so I nodded my head to her.

"She says yes," Amara told him. "Not that that matters. Don't think that you can distract me from calling you the tiniest little dickcheese on the face of the earth." She cocked her head and made a face at whatever he said. "You don't know what a 'dickcheese' is? Dude. What planet are you from?" She paused again, then rolled her eyes. "South Korea isn't another planet, dumbass." She turned to me. "Jeez. I thought you said he was smart?"

"He is," I wheezed out at her. "Stop yelling at him."

"Why should I?" She asked me. "What if this is all because of him?"

"How could I have the flu because of him?"

"He broke you," she said with a shrug. "So I should break his sternum."

"That's....random," I said, looking up at her from the floor. "Why his sternum?"

"I don't know," she said, shrugging again. "He seems like somebody who could be really incapacitated by a broken sternum."

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