Chapter Twelve: The Best Thing

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*******Jimin's POV*******

Hearing a knock on my hotel room door, I got up to go answer it, to see Yoongi and Namjoon standing at the door.

"Hyungs...what's up?" I asked them nervously. I don't know why, but they looked way too serious for my comfort level.

"Can we talk?" Namjoon asked.

"About?" I questioned them, looking from one to the other.

"Just let us in, Jimin," Yoongi said, pushing past me and walking into my room.

"By all means," I mumbled, moving out of the way for Namjoon to enter, too. "Come right in."

I closed the door and turned to look at them both. They were sitting on the edge of the bed and had pulled the chair from the desk in front of them.

"Sit," Yoongi said.

"I think that I'll stand, thanks," I told him, crossing my arms.

'Who does he think he is? A Beta trying to boss me around? Kill him.'

I rolled my eyes at my alpha. 'Calm down. I'm not going to kill him. He's my friend and my brother.'

'If you don't, then I will.'

'You will NOT!' I roared inside my head. 'Lay one finger on him and I will kill YOU myself.'

'Insufferable human,' he muttered. 'As if you could harm me. Kill me and you kill yourself.'

'If you hurt one of my brothers, then it will be worth it,' I told him. 'Don't test me.'

"Please sit down, Jimin," Namjoon said. "We just want to talk to you about something. Don't start getting aggressive, yet. You don't even know what we want to talk about."

"No...but from the looks on both of your faces, I'm not going to like it."

They looked at each other, then back at me, both nodding at the chair again. I sighed and sat down.

"What?" I asked them.

"Well..." Yoongi started. "We were wondering if you've really thought this through, Jiminie."

"What do you mean?" I asked, sitting up straighter. "Thought what through?"

"Aurora," Namjoon said, then he held up his hands in defense when my alpha growled at him. "Calm down, Alpha. We're just wondering if this is what's best. For her."

"She is my mate," My alpha growled out. "It is best for her to be with me."

"Your mate is dormant," Yoongi said. "She could stay that way the rest of Aurora's life."

"She is waking up the more that I'm with her, though," I told them.

"Exactly," Joon told me. "But if you stop seeing her, then her Omega will stay dormant for the rest of her natural life, then she can meet your alpha again in the next life."

My alpha tried to come forward. I managed to fight him back, but he still got me to lean forward ands nap my teeth at Joon, who leaned back and away, his eyes wide.

"She. Is. My. Mate. Mine. Nobody else's," He growled. "I will not yield on this."

"Please, Alpha," Yoongi said, bowing his head slightly as a sign of respect to my alpha. "I understand that, but have you stopped to think about what this could do to her life? She has no idea what she is. She has no idea that werewolves even exist. And you live in another country. She loves her job, her kids, her house, her family. You will be tearing all of that away from her. Is that really what you want to do?"

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