Chapter Eight: She Doesn't Know What She Is...

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Jimin sucked in a breath as our lips met, his whole body freezing for a moment before he relaxed and pulled me close with his hands on my hips. He tilted his head to the side a little to slant his lips across mine before pulling back to look at me.

"You kissed me," he said, sounding a little surprised.

"You said that you wanted to!" I told him, pulling out of his arms and stepping back from him as I covered my face with my hands. "I am so sorry, Jimin. I didn't mean to force myself on you. I thought that you wanted to. God. I'm so stupid. Like Park Jimin would ever want to kiss me."

Jimin growled. He actually growled at me.

"Hajima," He said, pulling my hands away from my face. "I did want to. I've wanted to since I saw you, but I didn't think that it would be appropriate in front of a bunch of 5-year-olds."

I stared back at him. "Did you just growl at me?"

"" the tips of his ears turned red as he cleared his throat. "I'm sorry. You were being silly. I had to get your attention somehow."

"I was being silly? How?"

"By thinking that I would never want to kiss you," he explains. He lifts a hand up to push some hair behind my right ear, then he grazes his fingertips across my jaw. "It's all I've thought about since I met you this morning."

"So then...why did you stop me?" I asked as I stared into his gorgeous, dark eyes.

"I...I don't know," he said, blushing again. "I was just surprised. But I didn't not want it."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "You 'didn't not want it'?"

"I said that wrong, didn't I?" he asked me. "Please remember that English is not my first language."

I shook my head. "You said it perfectly. It was very...Jimin."

He chuckled and pulled me back to him. "I hope that was a compliment."

"Oh it was," I say, resting my hands on his shoulders. "Have ummm...Have you ever heard the little Tiktok 'Intro to BTS'?"

He thinks for a moment, as he licks his bottom lip. I almost groan at the sight, but I manage to hold it in.

"I have," he tells me.

"It says 'Jimin is the sweetest. He's as cute as he can be'," I remind him. "It's pretty damn accurate. The way that you said 'I didn't not want it,' was sweet and cute."

He tugged me a little closer. "Remind me of the other part of mine?"

I cocked my head to the side and pretended like I was thinking, even though I knew the entire thing by heart.

"Jimin is the sweetest, he's as cute as he can be, but catch him on stage, he's got that duality."

He nodded his head. "Ahhh....right, right. That's what it was."

He gave me what is quite possibly the sexiest wink that I've ever seen, then he leaned in and kissed me, sliding his arms from my hips and around the small of my back to hold me as he tilted me back to deepen the kiss like we were in a romcom.

He gently massaged my lips with his for a moment, before sliding his tongue along my bottom lip. I parted my lips to give him what he was asking for and moaned against his as he slid his tongue along mine.

Just as I was really getting into our kiss, Jimin pulled back quickly. So fast that I had to catch my balance before I fell to the floor. I looked at him to see what was wrong. He turned away from me, but I could have swore his eyes flashed red.

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