Chapter Twenty: Annoying Time Fairy

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*******Aurora's POV*******


'Hmmm?' I asked in my head. I was half asleep. What did she want now?

Aurora, we need to talk.

'Not now. I'm tired. Today was a lot.'

Aurora, we must talk while Jimin and Varic are asleep.


You can not tell them what I am about to tell you. It will upset them, and we don't need that right now.

'What's going on?' I asked, now fully awake.

I'm not sure how to say this to you...

'Well you woke me up, so...'

This is not a time for jokes, Aurora. We are dying.

That made me sit straight up in bed. I looked to the side to make sure that I hadn't woken up Jimin, but he was sleeping peacefully, curled up in a cute, little ball.

'What are you talking about, Petra?'

Varic and I have been mates for a very long time. But we are not from the same place. We are not from the same pack. Werewolves were created by a coven of witches long, long ago. But when my pack was created, something went wrong in the process of the spell. In my pack, if a wolf does not mate for a certain amount of time, a certain amount of lives, they will die. I will die, soon. And not be reborn again. And neither will you. Our souls have been incomplete for too long. They must join together with their other half to survive.

'But we've found our mates, Petra. I don't see the problem here.'

We have found them, yes. But there has been no talk of mating. I think that maybe Jimin is scared that this is all too much, too soon, for you. But if we do not mate with them in the next month, we will die.

'I...I don't want to die. Not when I just found out who I am. Not when I just found Jimin.'

We need to find a way to convince Jimin that this is something we need. Something that we must have in order to survive.

'Can't we just tell him?'

I do not know, Aurora. I was always told that it was a secret in our pack.

'What is the amount of years that you are talking about?'

217 years. If we go that long without mating, then....

'I still think that you should let me tell Jimin. It might be a pack secret, but he and Varic are our mates, right? Doesn't that make them our de facto pack mates?'

There was a pause.

'Petra? Did I say something wrong?'

No, sweet girl. No. You said something very, very right. How have I never thought of this before? Of course they're part of our pack if they're our True Mates. You're very smart, Aurora.

'So we can tell them?'

We can. We'll do it in the morning. Let's get some sleep.

*******Jimin's POV*******

I woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon and eggs. And toast, if my wolfish sense of smell was correct. Sitting up, I looked over at Aurora with a frown.

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