Chapter Twenty-Five: The Concert

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*******Jimin's POV*******

"Calm down," I said, putting my hand on Jungkook's shoulder to stop him from bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet.

"I can't, Hyung. I'm excited."

I rolled my eyes and looked around at the other members, to see Namjoon and Jin pacing back and forth and whispering to each other, Hobi and Tae playing a weird game of cards that looked more like they were just throwing them at each other and giggling, while glancing at the door every 15 seconds, and Yoongi....well....Staying on par with who he is, Yoongi was asleep on the couch in the big dressing room we were in at the back of the stadium.

"She's not your mate, Jungkook," I told him.

"No, but she is my Luna,' He told me with his smile that showed both rows of his teeth, letting me know just how genuine it was.

I chuckled softly. "And that excites you?"

"I've never had one before," he reminded me. "You know that I didn't grow up in a pack. My parents were rogues."

I nodded and moved my hand around his shoulder to give him a one-arm hug. "I know, Jungkookie. Continue being excited. She'll live up to the hype."

"She will?" He asked, his eyes wide.

I couldn't help but laugh at him. He was a man that half of the world lusted over. He was now 26-years-old. And yet...he still sometimes managed to look like the cute middle school kid we were first introduced to.

"Yes, Kook-ah," I told him with a smile. "She will. She's...she's perfect."

"Sound less obsessed, Jiminie," Yoongi groaned from the couch as he rolled over a little and pulled a pillow up against his stomach.

"Why should I? I am obsessed," I said, giving Jungkook a wink, which made him laugh. "Don't be jealous, Hyung."

"I'm sure as hell not jealous," he grumbled. "Don't want a mate. They're needy."

"Not mine," I said and I couldn't keep the smile off of my face.

A few minutes later, there was a soft knock on the door. Jungkook tried to step forward and open it, but I put my hand on his shoulder again to stop him. "She's my mate," I reminded him and he nodded his head, stepping back. I looked around to see the rest of the members staring at the door. Except for Yoongi, who was still acting unaffected but what was going on.

I opened the door and there was my mate. She was standing there in Chucks, jeans, and a shirt with the PROOF picture of Hobi-Hyung, where he was wiping his bottom lip with his thumb. I laughed when she waved the ARMY Bomb in her hand at me.

"Hi," she said, sounding nervous.

"What's with the shirt?" I asked her with a frown.

"What? I like J-Hope," she said with a shrug. "You know this about me."

I rolled my eyes. "I guess that girl in your class did tell me that he was your bias the first day that I met you. Even if you kept trying to tell me that you were OT7. I knew better."

She shrugged her shoulders. "Sorry? I're obviously my bias now. But I love this shirt."

I laughed and hauled her into the room and into my arms, giving her a kiss. "It's okay. He can be your bias. Hobi-Hyung is a good bias to have. Would you like to meet him?"

She blushed and froze a little, which I found funny, because she never had even a little bit of nervousness around me. I couldn't help but laugh at her. "Come on." I wrapped my arm around her waist and moved to her side to show the rest of the members behind me. "This is Aurora."

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