Chapter Thirteen: Are you sure that you're not pregnant?

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*******Jimin's POV*******

"Jimin, do you have a minute?"

I looked up from where I was sitting to see Namjoon. We all had keys to each other's hotel rooms, but to be honest, I hadn't even heard him come in.

"Sure, Hyung, what's up?" I asked him. I might be the Alpha, but I was still raised to show respect and use honorifics.

"I wanted to check on you," he told me, sitting down at the other end of the couch in my room. "To see how you're doing."

"I'm fine, Joon," I said.

"I'm not buying it," he said flatly.

"Why the hell not?" I asked, glaring at him. "I said that I'm fine, so I'm fine."

"Just saying that you're fine doesn't mean that you are," he said. "I knocked on your door for ten minutes before I went back to my room to get your key. Did you even hear me knocking?"

"I..." He had? "No. I didn't hear you."

"Exactly. You're not fine," he said. "You're heartbroken over having to give up your True Mate and it's affecting everything you do."

"Watch it, Beta," I said, reminding him of his place. "Don't step out of your lane."

"I'm not trying to," he said, holding his hand up in front of me. "I'm worried about you. We all are. You're not handling it well."

I sighed. "I'm sorry. I'll try to do better. I don't want it to affect the Pack or BTS."

"The Pack is BTS," he said with a laugh.

I glared at him. 'You know what I meant. This isn't just about me. You all had to give up your mates, too, just because I gave up mine. And that fact is really weighing on me. Especially with Tae. As long as I've known him, all he's talked about is finding his mate and having a family. And I took that from him."

"You didn't take it from him, Jimin," he said. He was frowning at me, giving me a look that almost made me forget that I was the Alpha and he was my Beta. "We all voted, even Tae. We agreed that it had to b e unanimous and it was."

"But he probably felt pressured to agree with the rest of us," I said, trying to explain the thoughts that had been plaguing my mind for over a week. "He was the last one to vote, and the rest of you had all already agreed. It wasn't fair to him."

"Come on, Jimin," he said, his eyes on me. "You know Tae. That's not how he is. If he had a thought like that, he would have expressed it."

"Not this time, Namjoon," I said, shaking my head. "Not about this. He's barely spoken to me in a week. He hates me now, because I took away his dream. Yours, too! You've always wanted to be a dad."

He shrugged at me. "Eh...that's changed the past couple of years. The world is crap, and I don't think that I want to bring a kid into it."

"Joonie..." I said, fixing him with a stare.

"I'm serious, Jimin," he told me, shrugging again. "And this just makes it that much easier."

"I don't want to be responsible for taking that future decision away from you."

"You're not Jiminie," he told me, reaching out one of his long arms to touch my shoulder. "We all made this decision. Together. Besides...what kind of life could I even give a future child? We want to keep doing this for a long time, and I wouldn't want to make my pup feel like I was choosing BTS over them. In the long run, it's better this way."

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