Chapter Seventeen: Blanket Invite

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*******Aurora's POV*******

I stood under the spray from the shower and let the hot water slide down my body. Jimin was right. I already felt better, and I had just gotten in here. I grabbed my shampoo and started to work it through my hair, massaging my scalp with a groan. When I put my hair under the water and tilted my head back to rinse it out, I felt a twinge on each side of my neck. I moved my hands down and found that it was swollen on both sides. It must be the glands in my neck from being sick.

They kind of hurt.

Something in my head was telling me that that's not what it was. It was almost like there was another voice in my head or something. It was arguing with the thoughts that I was having.

I guess that I was still losing it from being sick.

I finished up my shower, then started to dry off. When I got to my neck, I whimpered a little at the pain just from drying the spots on my neck. It must have been louder than I thought, because Jimin started knocking on the door.

"Aurora? Are you okay?" he asked me in a worried tone.

"I'm fine, Jimin," I told him. "My neck is just a little sore from being sick.

"Your...your neck?" He asked me.

"Yeah, there are these spots on the sides that are really tender and kind of swollen," I explained to him through the door as I finished drying off. "Just lymph nodes or glands, I guess."

"Can I see?" He asked. He still sounded worried.

"Let me get dressed first," I told him. "I'll be out in just a minute."

Once I had a new pair of pajamas on, I opened the door. I was a little surprised to see that he was still standing there. I figured that he had gone back to bed already, or maybe out to the living room.

"Let me see," he said, reaching for my neck. He was extremely careful as he cupped my neck on both sides, under the sore parts, and tilted my head from side-to-side as he explained it. "Weird..."

"I thought so, too," I told him with a shrug. "But who knows what other weird side effects I have from all of this. Nobody even knows what it is."

*******Jimin's POV*******

We know.

'Would you shut up already.'

No. I won't. We know what is wrong with her. We know why she's been sick. We know why her neck looks like that.


We could solve all of this by just telling her what she is.

'Do you honestly think that she's in the right frame of mind for that right now?'

I don't think that you will ever think that she's in the 'right frame of mind.' I think that you want to keep her Omega dormant and pliant so that you can have her all to yourself.

'If I wanted to keep her Omega dormant forever, then I wouldn't be here. The more that they are around us, the more that her Omega wakes up. She will learn eventually. You have to be patient. We can't scare her.'

She's already scared! She doesn't know what is going on! We could fix all of this by telling her.



'I said no, Varic. I'm sorry. I'm not trying to upset you. But you are not my main concern right now.'

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