Chapter Twenty-Two: Ears and Tails

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*******Aurora's POV*******

"Mate me, Jimin," I practically begged him. "Please."

"Happily," he said.

He stood up, grabbed my waist, spun us around, then picked me up and put me on the bed, all in one move, and so quickly that I didn't even know what was going on until he was leaning over me with a sexy smirk on his beautiful mouth.

I reached up to touch the side of his face, brushing my fingers over the smooth surface.


"Jimin?" I questioned him.

"You know that once we do this, we will never be able to be apart for very long, right?"

"Jimin, we already can't be apart for very long," I reminded him. "Look how sick I got before."

He sighed and nodded his head. "I know, baby, I know. I just...I want to make sure that you know that this is permanent. Mating is for life. We ha-"

I covered his mouth with my hand. "Jimin, stop. We're True Mates, remember? It's already for life. We're meant to be."

"But I have to go back to South Korea eventually," he said. "Then what? I don't want you getting sick again."

I sighed and pushed him back, and back, and back, until he was sitting against the headboard, then I climbed onto his lap and straddled him.

"Do you think that I'm stupid, Jimin?"

"What?" He said, his jaw dropping as he stared up at me. "Of course I don't."

"I know that you have to go back, baby," I told him. I reached out to run my fingers through his soft hair. "Classes are over in a couple of weeks, and I already talked to my principal and told her that I won't be back next year."

He still had his jaw dropped as he looked at me. "But... you...I...uhh..." He shook his head, then tried again. "But you love your job."

I shrugged one of my shoulders and nodded my head. "I do. But I love you more."

One of his hands wrapped around the back of my neck and pulled me down so that he could kiss me. He mumbled "I fucking love you," against my lips, making me giggle.

I sat back up and pulled my shirt off over my head, then pulled him forward a little so that I could remove his, too, letting my eyes and my fingers run down over his perfect skin, tracing over the tattoo on his ribs. Jimin reached behind me to unhook my bra, then sat back against the headboard as he pulled it down my arms and tossed it aside. He wrapped his hands around my back and pulled me forward a little until he could suck one of my nipples between his insanely sexy lips.

With his mouth still on my nipple, he tightened his arms around my back and flipped us over, so that he was pressing me down into the mattress. I gripped his hair between my fingers as he moved his mouth to my other breast, and his hand down to rid me of the rest of my clothes until I was naked under him.

He leaned up and raked his eyes down my body. "You're gorgeous, Aurora."

"Mmhmm," I said, reaching for the button of his jeans, then lowering his zipper. "That's nice. Give me knot."

He stared at my face for a moment, cocking his head to the side with a sexy as hell crooked smile.


"Your eyes flashed blue," he told me. "That's the first time your omega has ever really forced her way to the surface."

"She wants her mate," I told him as I pushed his jeans over his ass and as far down as I could. "And I want mine."

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