Chapter Fifteen: This is Why You're Not My Bias

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*******Aurora's POV*******

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Amara yelled at me.

"Could you please just stop screeching so loudly that the Hounds of Hell can hear you, and let him in?"

"I...Fine," she said, turning towards the door.

"And then leave."

"Aurora!" she said, turning back to me.

"Please, Amara," I begged her. "I need to talk to him. I can't do it with you around ogling him."

"I wouldn't-"

She stopped when I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Fine, I would," she said with a sigh. "I can't help it. He's too fucking pretty."

"He is," I agreed. "But I need to find out why he disappeared. And I need to talk to him alone to do that."

"At least get me an autograph."

"I will do no such thing," I told her. "Now be a good caretaker, answer the damn door, and let the hottest man on earth into my house so that I can yell at him for ghosting me."

"He's not," she said with a shrug. "He's pretty, but he can't compete with Jeon Jungkook."

"Of course you would say that."

I rolled my eyes and snuggled back up to Rizzo while she gathered her things and walked to the door.

"She says that I'm supposed to let you in," I heard her tell him. "Though I think that she should have you deported back to South Korea for how you treated her."

"I don't disagree," Jimin's sweet voice answered her. "But you can't really deport somebody who is here on a work visa with a diplomatic passport."

Amara scoffed. "Well that's...Ugh." I heard her stop her foot like one of my 5-year-olds. "This is why you're not my bias."

I giggled and snuggled closer to Rizzo as I listened to her walk out to her car and pull away. I heard Jimin close the door softly before walking into my living room, gasping a little when he saw me, then rushing to my side.

"Aurora?" He asked, gently touching my back that was facing him. "Baby, are you okay?"

"Don't call me that," I told him, trying to shrug his hand off.

He sighed. "I'm sorry, Aurora. I'm sorry that I hurt you. I thought that I was doing what was best for you."

"Then you're an idiot," I said quietly. "What's best for me could never be being away from you."

"I thought...I thought that pulling you into everything my life is, wasn't fair to you," he explained. "You know how crazy my life can get. And we live in different countries. You love your job, I couldn't ask you to leave, and I have to be based in South Korea."

I rolled over onto my back to look at him. "You could have talked to me about it. You didn't have to ghost me. I'm a big girl. If you didn't want to be with me, you could have just said so. You told me that you were 'all in' on this, but if you changed your mind, you could have told me."

"That's the thing, though, Aurora...I didn't change my mind." He said, reaching out to touch my cheek. "I am all in. I do want to be with you. I want that more than anything. But I didn't want to come in like a sledge hammer and start wrecking your life because of how crazy mine is."

"Don't you think that I should be a part of that decision, Jimin?" I asked, staring up at him from the floor. "Don't you think that I should be allowed to decide if I can handle it? If you're worth it?"

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