Chapter Twenty-Six: Family Dinner

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*******Ten Months Later*******

*******Aurora's POV*******

I looked up when the door opened, thinking that it was my mate. It wasn't. It was just Jungkook coming to steal food again.

Well...maybe not steal this time, since all of the guys would be here for dinner tonight. But I can pretty much guarantee that he gets his grubby, little hands into something before dinner is served.

"Hi, Luna Noona," he told me with his cute bunny smile. He had taken to calling me that about two days after he met me, and at this point, I'm not even sure that he remembers my name is actually Aurora. He was nothing if not completely respectful to everyone, all of the time, and especially to me.

"Hi, Kookie," I told him, wiping off my hands and turning to hug him.

"Am I the first one here?"

"Aren't you always?" I ask him. "That way you get to sample what I'm making before anybody else?"

"No," he said, his lips forming a cute pout as he sat down at my kitchen table. "I'm the first one here, because I can breeze through all of the drills and training it takes others hours to do."

"Of course you can," I say with a nod, running my hand over his hair and fluffing it up a little. "Our little Golden Maknae."

He beamed at me.

"Besides, my job is always done at the same time every day. I don't have my commanding officer telling me that I have to stay to do twenty push-ups or anything like that. As long as I get the food made and everything cleaned up, I'm good to leave when I'm done."

"I'm glad that they let you work with food, Kook. You'd miss not being able to cook otherwise. I know how much you love it.

"I do love it. Though this amount of food is unlike anything I've ever made," he told me. "I'm usually just cooking for myself, and sometimes one of the other members."

The door opened again and I turned to see Jimin and Tae walking in together. They were in the middle of an argument over something.

"I'm telling you, you're wrong, Jimin," Tae told him. "You're not stronger than I am. Just look at how big my arms have gotten." Tae held both arms up and flexed his impressive new muscles.

"Size doesn't always matter," Jimin insisted. He turned to look at me. "Right, my love?"

I rolled my eyes at him. "I wouldn't know. My mate's size is pretty impressive."

I turned back at to the stove as Tae and Jungkook groaned.

"I didn't need to know that, Luna Noona!" Jungkook said.

"Yeah, that's way too much information," Tae added on.

'I was asked, and I answered," I told him. "There's nothing wrong with being honest."

"There's something wrong with adding to Jimin-Hyung's already inflated ego," Jungkook grumbled.

"Jimin doesn't have an inflated ego," I told him, turning to point a spoon at him. "You be nice to my mate. It's not as if he's Jin."

"Did I hear my name?" Jin called as he and Joon stepped through the doorway. "Were we discussing handsome things?"

"See!" I said, moving my spoon to point it at Jin this time. "His is inflated. Not Jimin's."

Jimin walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, leaning down to peck my lips with his. "I love how you always have my back."

"If you told me that you were a hippopotamus, and they said you were human, I would still find a way to argue that you're a hippo."

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