Chapter Nineteen: Petra

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 *******Aurora's POV*******

"Can I ask you something else?"

"Of course," Jimin told me, giving me one of his adorable smiles. "You can always ask me anything."

"Cool, cool," I said. "Because I'm wondering why you told Taehyung that you're the Alpha."


Jimin looked visibly distressed at my question.

"I'm just messing with you," I told him, patting his arm. "It seemed like a weird thing to say. I thought maybe ya'll had been reading one-too-many fanfics about yourselves."

"I...What do you mean?" He asked me. His eyebrows were scrunched together and his head was cocked to the side.

"Well I uhh..." Now it was my turn to stutter a little bit. "I just meant that there are a lot of werewolf BTS stories out there. Although, not many where you are the alpha."

"And you thought that I was using one of them to joke with Tae?" he asked me. He still looked confused. Kind of like his brain was still trying to catch up.

I shrugged at him. "I mean, you would be the least likely alpha, I guess." I paused, and shook my head. "Not to me. You're plenty alpha to me, Jimin. I think that it's just because you're kind of small, and cute, and super sweet, people tend to write you as an omega."

It's true. He is the Alpha. the voice in my head said.

'Stop talking to me.'

I can't. I am a part of you.

'I don't know why you won't just leave me alone.'

Again...I am a part of you, Aurora. I can not leave you alone, because I can not leave you.

'You showed up a few days ago. Out of nowhere. Just go back to where you were before.'

I was always here, dear girl. hiding. I did not know how to come out. And you did not know what you were.

'I'm not anything, lady. I am just a teacher from Las Vegas, who has apparently gone crazy and started hearing voices in my head.'

I am not a voice in your head. At least not in the way that you mean. I am you and you are me and we are one. But also...our own.

'Every time that you talk to me, you make even less sense, lady.'

I am not 'lady'. I am Petra. As I have told you many times. And I am your wo-

"Aurora?" Jimin asked, shaking me lightly. "Who's zoning out now?"

I shook my head to try and knock the crazy out of it, then blinked at Jimin.

"I'm sorry, baby," I told him. "What were you saying?"

"I said...What if it was true?"

"What if what was true?" I asked him.

He was making about as much sense as the chick in my head.

"The werewolf stories," he explained. "What if they were true? What if I'm a werewolf? And the Alpha. And my wolf spirit is connected to yours. That they are mates, and so are we. What if I told you that you are my True Mate? The most intense and important sort of mates possible. What if I told you that my wolf spirit has been yelling at me since the moment that I met you, trying to reach his mate, but she was dormant inside of you and could not answer him? What if all of the other members of BTS are werewolves, too? What if you are? What if I told you that the reason you got so sick actually was from not being around me? Although, I swear, I didn't know it at the time. I would never intentionally do that to you. But then when I came to see you...that's why you got better? What if I-"

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