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Harry's POV;

I don't know what his problem is.

He told Ciara he wanted to see her, knowing full well that I was the one who wanted to see her.

I know I haven't exactly got a squeaky clean record, and I'm so bad for her, but he's definitely not any better.

She will definitely get hurt if she hooks up with Zayn.

I don't want her to get hurt.

Zayn knows I've liked her for ages.

Him and Louis are the only people who know that I've liked her for ages.

The sad thing is, she thinks I don't know her.

"You ready?" Louis asks me.

"Yeh, yeh coming." I mumble.

"What's wrong Harry? You've been acting so weird lately." He whispers to make sure the rest of the boys don't hear us.

"It's nothing Lou, nothing I can't handle." I fake smile, and he frowns at me because he knows I'm lying, but he drops it anyway.

"I'm gonna pick Ciara up." Zayn says rather loudly, so I can hear.

He's such a dick.

I just can't get pissed off with him because he could just go tell Ciara how I know her, and I don't want that ruining our friendship.

"Come on Harry, let's just go." Louis says to me whilst glaring at Zayn.

He knows what Zayn is like as well, but he can't say anything either.

Liam and Niall don't know what Zayn is like at all, because they've never been there at the times when Zayn has revealed his true self.

That's why Louis is my best mate, because he understands me, and he's the only person I can truly rely on and talk to.

I hop into Louis' car because I don't feel like driving, and I turn the music up.

"Zayn's being a dick." Louis says through gritted teeth.

"Yeh he is. He knows I've liked Ciara for ages, and now see what he's doing? Taking her away from me." I raise my voice.

"Yeah, yeah I know. But the thing is Harry, Ciara doesn't know you know her does she? She just thinks you're the guy who saved her life that one night, if she knew that you actually knew her, then maybe things would be different?" He tries to reason with me.

"Yeah, things would be different. She would think I'm a fucking stalker. Plus, she doesn't know what I've done. I'm not exactly a fucking Saint Lou." I spit.

"Alright, don't take it out on me, I'm just trying to be the helpful best mate. I know you're not a saint, and I can't say she won't run for the hills if she finds out what you've done, but Zayn's done far worse, so I guess that's a start?" Louis tells me.

"Sorry. I don't mean to take it out on you. I've just waited for the right moment to actually be in Ciara's life for ages, and now I'm finally in her life, he's fucking it up for me." I say, and Louis nods.

"Then sort it out. If you want her that bad, you'll think of something. You're Harry Styles, you always think of something."

Ciara's POV;

"Bye Dad! I'll see you later!" I shout before leaving my house.

I hop into Zayn's car and the lovely scent of Lynx hits me.

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