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Ciara's POV;

*5 years later*

"And to think that today I would be standing here giving my best friend congratulations for getting married, would be an understatement." Louis finishes his speech and everyone laughs.

"Cheers Lou." Harry grins.

"Do you wanna go first or should I?" Harry asks me.

"Rock, paper, scissors. The loser goes first." I grin at him and he laughs.

"Rock, paper, scissors." We say at the same time.

I lose as Harry was paper, and I was rock.

"Guess you're up first baby." He winks at me.

"Ahem." I stand up.

"Hi everyone. I would just like to start by saying thanks for coming. If anyone told me a few years back that I would be getting married soon, then I would have laughed at them. But when I met Harry, I knew that there was a good chance I would marry him. I say a good chance because I wasn't sure he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me as I'm a handful." I pause and everyone laughs.

"You got that right!" I hear Lola shout and I laugh.

"Truth is, Harry is the light of my life. He picks me up when I'm down, and he makes me feel like I'm worth it. When my dad passed away 5 years ago, Harry was there for me every step of the way, he never left me once. He dealt with my constant phone calls, and he ended up moving in with me shortly after just so I wasn't alone. He's the most beautiful person I know, and I love him more than words could ever say." I finish and I get a bunch of claps and 'awwws'.

"Beat that Mr Styles." I whisper to him as I sit down.

"Oh I will Mrs Styles." He smirks at me as he stands up.

"Hello everyone. Now a lot of you don't know this, but I was in love with Ciara even before I met her. Don't ask me how and I promise you this isn't some cryptic thing, I didn't go to a fortune teller years ago and she didn't tell me that I was going to meet a beautiful blonde," He pauses and everyone laughs, including me.

"Just believe when I say I loved her before I met her. About 5 or 6 years ago, I put her through something I shouldn't have, and I thought that was the end of us. I thought she would never speak to me again. But do you know what she did? She forgave me and told me she loved me. That's how amazing this woman is. I've never ever loved anyone as much as I've love Ciara, and I'm so proud and happy to finally call her my wife." He says and sits down whilst everyone claps, some people even cry!

"Okay, you win." I whisper to him.

"Nah, I preferred yours." He grins at me.

"Ciara, it's time for the first dance!" Lydia squeals at me.

"Come on Harry." I say as he grabs my hand.

The music starts playing as me and Harry slow dance along to it.

"You're lucky I love you, I hate dancing." Harry says quietly.

"I know you do grumpy." I chuckle.

"We finally did it baby. We're married." His beautiful apple green eyes bore into mine.

"We did. My dad always said we would." I say and smile because I know he's watching down and smiling.

"He always wanted us to get married you know." Harry tells me.

"Really?" I reply.

"Yep, remember when we made him that cake because he got a promotion?" He says and I smile at the memory, but then frown because I remember the rest of it.

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