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Sorry I haven't updated in like a billion years! The truth is I started college a few months ago, and I was so busy I haven't had the time to finish writing this. I also haven't been enjoying writing as much as I used too..... But I'm back and I will finish this book if it's the last thing I do! Ly all x

Ciara's POV;

"Ciara love, wake up." I hear a sweet voice whisper.

"Ugh, what time is it?" I moan.

"It's 3am. We need to be at the airport by 4, so I didn't know how much time you needed to get ready." He whispers and I giggle.

"Okay. Lemme drag myself out of bed." I say and roll over to the other side of the bed, and I don't know how I did it, but I ended up on the floor.

Harry rushed over to where I was, and when he saw me giggling, he started laughing as well.

"Is that how you 'drag yourself out of bed'?" He asks me and i nod, still laughing.

He extended his arm out to me, and I took it, my small hand intertwining with his huge one.

"Your hands are huge." I say whilst studying them.

I know this is a weird thing to say, but he really did have pretty hands.

"Well you know what they say about guys with big hands." He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

"Harry!" I raise my voice before playfully punching him.

"Hey! I was gonna say big feet! And Ciara?"

"Sure you was, and yes Harry?" I stare at him, waiting for him to carry on.

"You just punched me again." He smirked.

"Yeah and?" I said, until I realised then why he mentioned it.

"Argh!" I screamed whilst trying to run from him, but he caught me before I even got to the stairs.

He started tickling me, and then he picked me up and put me over his shoulder.

I giggled, whilst trying to pull my t-shirt down so I didn't show my bum off.

"Harry! Put me down!" I demanded.

"Okay." He said and I felt myself being thrown on the bed.

He threw himself on top of me, hovering over me.

"Are you gonna say sorry?" He smirked, whilst his jade green eyes pierced into my boring brown ones.

"I'm not sure I should really, you should say sorry, you threw me over your shoulder, and then onto the bed." I pouted at him.

"But you loved it, so I don't need to apologise." He smirks.

"I didn't actually." I retorted.

"Okay, so you're not going to say sorry?" He grins and I shake my head.

"But you want me to say sorry?" He asks, still grinning, and this time I nod my head.

"Well I'm not going to apologise, so I hope this makes up for it." He says and his lip crash against mine.

I'm taken aback for a second, but then I happily kissed him back.

The kiss was lustful, but passionate, and it only lasted a few seconds before he pulled away and grinned.

"You really need to stop breathing so fast when I'm close to you, it's a total giveaway." He smirks, and with that he gets up and walks out the room, leaving me there lost for words.

He just kissed me.

And it felt so fucking good.

I quickly recover, and find yet another pair of Harry's sweatpants before putting them on.

These were black ones, whereas his other ones I wore were grey.

I went downstairs to see a bowl of cereal and a cup of tea there waiting for me.

"That's yours." He points to it.

"Thank you." I reply and look to see what cereal I have.

Krave! My favourite!

"This is my favourite cereal." I smile at him.

"I know." He smirked, then he must have realised what he said because his face grew full of concern.

"I mean, I guessed." He smiles sheepishly before turning around and making his own cereal.

Weird, I thought to myself.

"I've already let Lola and Lydia know I'm taking you to the airport, so there was no need for you to worry about it." He says and I smile.

That's another cute thing he's done for me.

"Thank you Harry." I smile.

"Shit, I need to call my dad and say goodbye, being as he's probably at work." I say.

"Your dad works at half 3 in the morning?" Harry asks.

"Sometimes, it depends when they want him in. He's a psychiatrist, and he deals with a lot of difficult patients, so he sometimes get asked to come in super early." I tell him and he nods.

"I'm just gonna call him, I won't be a sec." I tell him and walk towards the bedroom to retrieve my phone.

I unlock it and dial my dads number.

After a few rings, he picks up.

"Ciara darling! I figured you stayed round a friends last night?" He says, but it comes out as more of a question.

"Yeah, I stayed round Harry's." I say, and wait for a speech.

"Ah okay sweetheart." Is all he says.

"Aren't you going to give me a big speech on how I should be careful and things?" I ask, confused.

"No, you know I like Harry a lot, and I trust you, so it's fine by me." He says and I smile.

"Well thanks dad. Anyway I just called to say that I'm going to be leaving to go the airport soon, and that I love you and I'll call you once I'm there." I say.

"Alright sweetie, well I hope you have a safe flight, and I love you too."

I say my goodbyes and hang up, before plodding out to the kitchen.

"How's your dad?" Harry asks.

"he's good. He thinks a lot of you, you know." I say and Harry grins.

"It's because I'm great." He smirks.

"Stop being so cocky." I smirk at him.

"I'm not, I'm being truthful." He smirks back.

"Right, well I'm going to go and get changed, sort of, and load my things into the car so we can go." I tell him and he nods.

"Okay, well tell me when you're done changing, and I'll help you put your things into the car." He says to me and I nod in return.

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