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Sorry this chapters really bad, I've had writers block recently, but I've now planned the whole story out, so it shouldn't happen again!


Ciara's POV;

"Help me decide what to wear?" Ruby whines.

"How about a bikini? Being as it's a beach?" Lydia replies sarcastically.

We decided on going to the beach today, as there's meant to be a beach party with DJ's and dancing and drinking.

"Yeah, but which one?" Ruby asks.

"The sky blue one. Goes with your skin tone." Lola tells her.

"Yeah, that one." Lydia agrees.

I wore my pink bikini underneath my denim shorts, and a black strappy top.

"You ready?" I ask the girls and they all nod.

Suddenly, I feel a large pair of hands cover my eyes.

"Guess whooooo?" The person says in an unusual voice, causing me to giggle.

"Hmmmm, is it Mickey Mouse? Because that's who it sounds like.

"Nope, guess again." Mickey says.

"Is it a certain curly haired lad?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"You guessed correct!" Harry yells and jumps in front of me.

"Wow, you're energetic today!" I giggle.

"Probably because I ate toast. Toast makes me hyper." He says causing me to laugh louder.

"Toast, of all things, makes you hyper?" I ask.

"Yep." He says, popping the p.

"You are special Harry." I say before standing on my tiptoes to kiss him.

"And you're very short." He smirks, and I playfully hit him.

"When will you learn that if you hit me, you get tickled?" He grins.

"Touch me and I'll go ninja on you." I say before crossing my arms into an 'x' shape.

"I'm more ninja than you anyway." He says before copying my action.

"You wanna bet?" I smirk and he nods.

I quickly go to punch his arm, but he stops me, twisting me around, so he's hugging me from behind.

I try to move my arms, but he's holding them too tightly.

"Who's more ninja now?" He whispers in my ear.

I smirk before managing to turn around to face him.

His arms still draped around me, I slowly brush my lips against his, and he shuts his eyes with pleasure.

I smirk before lifting my knee, and kneeing him in the balls.

"Ow!" He screams and lets go of me.

"I'm more ninja." I smile sweetly at him.

"I'll - get - you back for this." He says, holding his parts.

"Ciara! Harry! Let's go!" I hear Liam shout.

"Come on babe, we're leaving." I smile at Harry and he gives me evils.

"You're lucky I love you." He grumbles.


"This party is really good!" Lydia shouts to us all.

We arrived at the party just before it went mental.

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