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Ciara's POV;

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing.

I don't bother looking at the caller ID and I just accept the call.

"Hello?" I say in my sleepy voice.

"Don't tell me you're still in bed?" I hear Lola say.

"Get your fat ass outta bed Ciara!" I hear Lydia say in the background.

Gosh when did she get so sassy?

"What time is it?" I grumble.

"It's nearly 2 in the afternoon." Lola says.

"Oh, not that late then." I reply.

"Um, have you forgotten we're all going to the cinema later?" She says.

"Yeh, that's not until like 10." I answer.

"Yeh, but we're also going shopping."

"What? I was never aware of this plan." I say, sitting up.

"Well, me and Lydia were discussing it last night, whilst you were with Harry an-" she starts to say but I stop her.

"How did you know I was with Harry?" I ask.

"Well I was talking to Zayn about the shopping thing earlier, and he told me then." She tells me.

"Oh, okay. Well is everyone going shopping?" I ask.

"Yeh, we're also going to get lunch so bring extra." She says.

"Okay, what time are we all meeting?" I question.

"I'll come pick you up at 5." She says.

"Okay, see you later." I reply before hanging up.

I drag myself out of bed and jump into the shower.

I wonder why Zayn told Lola I was with Harry last night?

I mean, obviously I don't care that Lola knows because I would have told her and Lydia anyway, but it just seems weird.

Speaking of last night, Harry looked like he wanted to kiss me.

I know that because in that moment of time, I wanted to kiss him too.

I feel guilty as hell because of Zayn, but I feel so different when I'm with Harry.

I do like Zayn, but he's just so different to Harry.

I brush my thoughts away and step out the shower.

I grab a towel, wrap it round myself and walk out the bathroom.

I go to turn my music on, but I hear a bang from downstairs.

Holy fuck.

There's a fucking burglar in my house.

I grab the closest thing to me, which happened to be my Xbox controller, and I quietly walk down the stairs.

I hear the fridge being opened, and I'm instantly confused.

Why the fuck would a burglar open the fridge?

He's a hungry burglar, that's why.

I see the man and he's wearing a black hoodie and black jeans.


He's still rummaging through the fridge, so I tiptoe and hide behind the breakfast bar.

I suddenly pop up and throw the Xbox controller at his head, hoping to knock him out.

"OW WHAT THE FUCK!" I hear a voice say and he turns around.


"What the fuck was that for?" A green eyed Greek god growled at me. (A/n: alliteration at its finest😂)

"What the fuck Harry? I thought you was a fucking burglar!" I scream and he smirks.

"You thought I was a burglar, so you threw an -" he pauses and picks up the object I threw at him, "Xbox controller at me?"

"It was the closest thing to me!" I defend myself.

"I'm just here so I can give you a lift to the mall." He simply says.

"Lola was going to take me." I tell him.

"Well call her and tell her she doesn't need to." He replies.

"I'll text her." I say and roll my eyes.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me love?" He says and I see amusement flash in his eyes.

"Yes, I did. Now calm down Mr Grey." I smirk.

To: Lo x
So, change of plan, Harry turned up unannounced and told me he was taking me to the mall and that I should let you know that you don't need to take me anymore. He's crazy Lo I swear it x

I hit send and look up at Harry to see him smirking.

"What?" I raise my eyebrow.

"Nothing, I just like your short towel." He smirks and I roll my eyes yet again.

"Keep your pervy comments to yourself Harold. I'm gonna go get changed, so if you're going to follow me, then let me know so I can get changed in the bathroom." I say and he nods.

Harry's POV;

So I've thought of a plan.

Basically, I'm going to be nice to Zayn and he'll wonder what the fucks up, so I'll just pretend that I'm cool with him and Ciara dating, and I'm going to become extremely close with Ciara and hopefully, just hopefully she'll fall in love with me.

It's a shit plan, but it's all I've got since I'm on thin ice with Zayn. Not that I give a fuck, but I don't want him to spill the beans about the bet.

I'll keep dropping hints so she gets the point, and maybe, just maybe one day I'll tell her that I'm in love with her.

The thing is, I'm scared she'll hate me for what I've done.

I mean, I've only got into loads of fights, done drugs, sold drugs, done so much illegal shit, but I'm scared that she'll hate me because of that.

I mean, Zayn's done a lot worse than me, I mean he killed that man in Rentwood for fucks sake, but he's good at hiding all the evidence, whereas I'm not so good at hiding my past.

I mean, Zayn still has the gun that he shot him with, and if I had that, I would have enough evidence to hand him in myself, but Zayn being Zayn, he's hid it obviously.

But to be fair, Zayn's carried on with all the illegal drug dealing and shit, I stopped the day I saved Ciara from those dickheads.

I stopped because of Ciara.

She made me realise that there's more to life than just doing shit for money.

So I finally got my shit together and thought of that plan.

I mean, it's not great, but it's something.

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