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Ciara's POV;

I have been sitting in Harry's car in silence for about 5 minutes now.

I didn't want to spend time with him because of how confusing he was.

Plus I didn't even know why he was taking me out.

Is it a date? Is it just a friendly gathering? Does he want it to be a date? Am I even wearing the right outfit?

I was wearing my black skinny jeans and Harry's- well actually it's mine now, so my Adidas hoodie. He wasn't dressed up either so that put me at ease.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry finally spoke up.

"A lot of things, but mainly you." I said and he smirked.

"What about me?" He asked.

"How confusing you are. And why you're taking me out. And where you're actually taking me." I said.

He let out a deep sigh before talking.

"I'm taking you out because I just want to set things straight with you, and we're not going anywhere special, just a place I go when I need to clear my head and think straight." He says and I nod.

After 5 more minutes of silence, Harry parks his car, and hops out.

He runs round to my side and opens the door for me.

"Thank you." I say and he smiles.

I looked around and I couldn't really see anything. We were in the middle of nowhere. And it was dark.

Harry must have noticed my alarming reaction, because he spoke up.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you love, follow me." He said and starting walking.

I didn't fancy being left alone in the middle of nowhere in the dark, so I decided to just do as he says for once.

We went through a lot of trees when we finally came to a stop.

What stood before me was beautiful.

There were a lot of willow trees alongside a river, and a massive oak tree, with what appeared to be a treehouse in it. (A/n: I suck at describing sorry)

It looked like a fairytale.

"This is beautiful." I finally spoke and Harry grinned.

"Is this your like private place?" I asked and he nodded.

"No one really knows this place is here, so I decided to make it my own place, and I come here to think." He tells me.

"I bet your friends love this place." I say and he blushes.

"You're the second person I've brought here, but the first girl." He says whilst looking at the floor.

"Who was the first person you brought here?" I ask and his face lights up.

"Louis. He helped me build it, so I guess its both our place." He smiles.

"Come on." He says before walking towards the treehouse ladder.

"Ladies first." He says whilst smirking, and I immediately know why he wants me to go up first.

Rolling my eyes, I go up the ladder and enter the treehouse.

Omg, it's really cute up here!

One of the walls have a load of pictures on it, most of them were of Harry and Louis, cute.

There was a small sofa which could probably squeeze about 3 people on there, and there were a few different board games scattered about on the floor.

"Didn't know you liked to play board games?" I smirked at him.

"Me and Lou usually play them. I usually win." He smirks back.

He sits down and pats the spot next to him, indicating for me to sit down.

I sit next to him, and his expression hardens.

"Right, well there's no point sugarcoating this, so I'm just going to get straight to the point, okay?" He asks and I nod.

Harry's POV;

I took a deep breath and quickly ran through what I was going to say.

I wasn't going to tell her how I actually know her, but I was just going to set things straight with her, so she doesn't cut me out of her life for good.

I'm not going to tell her about the bet just yet, in case it freaks her out too much, but I'm going to tell her everything else.

"I've been thinking about what you've said, and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being so confusing, I'm just not used to sharing any information about myself to anyone. Purely because I don't trust anyone. The only person I trust is Lou. I'm not saying you're not trustworthy, I'm just saying I don't trust easily. That's why I blew up on you when you asked me all those questions, but I've realised I shouldn't have, and I'm so sorry for that. I'm also sorry for messing with your mind like I have, and I promise I'll stop. I promise I won't blow up on you, and I promise I won't keep fucking up. I'll answer questions you have, but with time. Obviously you may ask me questions, but I'm just stating that I won't be able to answer all the questions you have, simply because I've never trusted anyone before but Louis." I finish saying, before searching her eyes for some sort of emotion.

"That's fine Harry. I just wish you had told me you had trust issues though, because I'm exactly the same. I literally only trust Lola and Lydia and that's it. If the only way you can trust me, is for me to earn your trust, then so be it. I'll earn your trust if you earn mine? Deal?" She says and I smile.

"Deal." I reply and she grins.

"This is really cosy up here." She remarks and I agree.

"It's even cosier when you do this." I say and pull the lever which puts the foot rest up.

"And this." I say and grab blankets and put them over us.

"This is seriously so cool." She grins.

"Next time we come here, I'll bring my laptop and food, and we can have a movie night, you down for that?" I ask and her face lights up.

"There'll be a next time?" She asks.

"If you want there to be a next time." I utter.

"I'd love there to be a next time." She smiles, her brown eyes boring into my green ones.

"You know Harry, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'll always be here for you? I mean, I know you have Lou, and we haven't known each other that long, but I'm always here if you need me." She reassures me, and I just want to kiss her.

I want to kiss her because she's beautiful, and I've wanted to kiss her the first day I laid eyes on her, but I also wanted to kiss her to thank her.

I started to lean in, slowly at first so she had enough time to pull away if she wanted to, but she didn't. She leaned in further and kissed me.

It wasn't a rough kiss, it was a slow and passionate kiss, and I loved every second of it.

It didn't last as long as I would have liked, but it lasted long enough.

"Sorry." She says whilst blushing.

"Don't be." I say and smile.

She smiles whilst blushing, and looks at the floor.

I reach out and touch her chin, bringing her head up so her eyes meet mine.

I stare at her. The girl I love. The girl I have really known for a long time now, but doesn't know I know her. She really is breath taking.

I continue to just take in her beauty, until she breaks my gaze.

"Shit, I've gotta be home in 10!" She panics.

"Chill, I can get you home in 5." I smirk.

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