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Harry's POV;

"I'm still confused as to how he got arrested in the first place!" Louis whisper shouts at me.

"Well I don't fucking know!" I hiss.

"Hey! Don't take your mood swings out on me!" He holds his hands up in defence.

"Sorry Lou, I'm just so stressed out about all of this. Obviously I've enjoyed this holiday loads, as it has brought me and Ciara closer, but I can't hide all this forever, I'm going to have to tell her eventually, and that scares me." I admit my feelings to him.

"I know you're scared Harry, but like you said, you're going to have to tell her soon. There's no saying she won't run for the hills, but guess what? If she doesn't, then you know she loves you." He tells me.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. I think I'm gonna tell her this week though, because I owe it to her to be truthful." I say.

Just then, there's a knock on the door.

"Can I come in?" I hear a sweet angelic voice say.

"Of course you can silly, this is your room too." I laugh as she opens the door.

"Correction, was my room too. Oh hey Lou." She greets him.

"I'll leave you two to it." Louis smiles before leaving.

"Are you all packed?" I ask Ciara.

"Yep. I don't want to leave though." She pouts.

It's so fucking adorable when she does that.

"Neither do I baby, but as long as I'm with you, I don't care where I am." I say honestly.

"Do you really mean that?" Her eyes light up.

"Of course I do. I love you." I tell her.

"I love you." She replies before pressing her lips against mine.

"Which reminds me, I bought something for you, I was going to give you it when we landed, but I just want to see your face when you open it." She giggles.

I love that sound.

"Baby, you shouldn't have bought me anything!" I say.

"Oh shhhh! Open it!" She says and passes me a black box.

I open it and cannot believe what's inside.

It was The Rolling Stones vinyl I have been looking for everywhere.

I could never find one that didn't cost an extortionate amount of money.

"How- what - why - how did you know I've been looking for this?" Is all I can say.

"Because the last time I went to your house, I looked around your room and noticed your huge glass cabinet filled with all the Rolling Stones vinyl apart from one. I knew exactly which one was missing because my uncle is also a big fan of the Rolling Stones and he's been looking for the same vinyl for ages." She says.

"You're the most incredible fucking girl I've ever met in my entire life." I say and pull her into my arms.

"Thank you so so so much baby, this means more to me than you'll ever know." I tell her and she beams.

"I'm so glad you like it! It took me a lot to get it." She frowns.

"What do you mean? And how much was it?" This time I frown at the thought of her spending so much money on me.

"I had to fight another person who wanted it. There was no way I was letting that bitch have it. And it doesn't matter how much it was, all that matters is that you like it." She smiles.

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