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Ciara's POV;

So in the last half an hour my dad and Zayn have been getting on okay, I guess, but he's siding with Harry on everything we're talking about and it's starting to get weird.

"This is lovely Mr Leigh." Zayn compliments the food.

"Thank you Zayn. I do try my best." dad smiles at him.

Can we talk about the fact that he lets Harry call him Dave - his real name - and he still hasn't asked Zayn to.

It's as if he prefers Harry to Zayn, which isn't fair because Zayn is my boyfriend and he's trying here. I'm still trying to get my head around the fact that he invited Harry to this dinner.

"So how was your conference Mr Leigh?" Zayn asks my dad.

"It was good thank you. I got to meet a lot of new people, and actually talk to a few as well." He replies.

My dads a sort of psychiatrist
and he helps all different sorts of people with their problems or their health.

"Sounds good." Zayn says.

"So how are you tonight Ciara?" Harry asks me and I look at him as if he's grown 2 heads.

"Oh just fabulous." I say, and add a sarcastic smile as well.

"Well that's great." Harry grins and I roll my eyes.

"So how did you meet Ciara Zayn?" My dad asks Zayn.

"She's in my chemistry class." He simply says.

"Hmm, and remind me of how you actually met Ciara, Harry?" Dad grins at him.

"I saved her from a load of drunks." He smiles.

"That's what I thought." My dad replies.

"Oh no, we have no napkins, hey dad, help me bring them out?" I smile at him.

"They're only napkins darling, I'm sure you can manage." He grins.

"Dad, help me. Now."

He huffs before getting up and joining me in the kitchen.

"What the bloody hell are you playing at?" I whisper shout at him.

"I like Harry. He's a nice young man. He's right for you. Zayn on the other hand isn't right for you." He simply says and my mouth drops open.

"You barely know Harry! And you don't know Zayn at all." I defend him.

"Being an ex policeman, you tend to know a lot of a persons past darling." He says and I sigh.

"I don't care what Zayns past is, all that matters is that it's the past. So can you just cut him some slack, he's trying here!" I hiss.

"Harry's a nice boy." He says before walking out.

"Ughhhhh!" I moan loudly.

Why are boys so frustrating?!

"Everything okay in here?" I hear Zayn say.

"Yeah babe, I'm fine."I say before hugging him.

Just then, his phone rings.

"Hello? Oh um hey, what's up? Oh right now? Um yeah I'll be there in a minute. Alright bye."

"It's my um brother, he's hurt his back and he needs me to grab him a few things from the shop." He says slowly.

"Oh, alright then." I say, kind of upset.

He takes my hand and leads me out of the kitchen.

"Well, thank you for a lovely dinner Mr Leigh, but I'm afraid I must be leaving now." He tells my dad.

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