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Ciara's POV;

"Ciara, wake up, you have a visitor." I get woken up by my dad.

"Ughhhh what time is it?" I ask.

"It's 11:49." He replies and I groan.

So early.

"Okay, tell whoever it is to just come up because I don't wanna leave my bed." I say and my dad tenses up.

"It's a boy Ciara, I think you should maybe put some clothes on." His tone is serious.

"Oh dad who is it?" I ask before arguing.

"He says his names Louis." My dad says and I laugh.

"Louis' harmless dad, send him up." I tell him and he nods, not wanting to argue with me.

"You lazy bitch, still in bed." Louis says and I laugh as he hugs me.

I pat the space next to me and he hops into my bed.

I feel comfortable with Louis so I don't mind him being in my bed.

"So, why are you bothering me this early in the morning Mr Tomlinson?" I ask him.

"Welllll, I just needed to talk to you face to face, but you cannot repeat this conversation to anyone else okay?" His blue eyes bore into mine.

"Pinky swear." I hold my pinky out and he laughs whilst intertwining his pinky with mine.

"Right, so you're about the only other person who Harry actually trusts." He starts saying.

"Harry trusts me?" I ask him and he nods.

"So I just wanted to say to you, don't break his trust, because you will never get it back. I know that might sound harsh, but trust me, if Harry trusts you, then you must be special." He says and I nod to let him know I'm listening.

Harry trusts me? Wow.

"Another thing is, even though he trusts you, he won't tell you everything just yet because he just can't." He says.

"What do you mean everything?" I ask confused.

"I wish I could tell you Ciara but I just can't. Harry will tell you, just give him time. One last thing is, I know you're with Zayn, but I see the way you look at him Ciara, I know you have some sort of feelings for him, just don't act on those feelings if you have no intention of carrying them on, because Harry is fragile. You know I love you Ciara, but I can't have anyone hurting Harry because he's my best friend." He finally says and I take a minute to process everything he's just said.

"I would never dream of hurting Harry, Lou. He's a good person and he deserves all the happiness in the world." Is all I can manage to say.

"okay good. Well don't tell him I've told you any of this, because he might flip shit." He smiles.

"I pinky swore." I grin.


"So yeah, you coming then babe?" I ask Zayn.

"Yeah, I'll be there in half an hour." He says before hanging up.

Zayn's coming to dinner with me and my dad, and I can already tell it's going to be awkward.

I walk downstairs to smell the wonderful smell of spaghetti and meatballs.

"This smells great dad." I say and he smiles.

"I do try."

"Zayn will be here in a bit." I tell him and he nods.

I set out the table, make drinks, put out all the sauces we have along with salt and pepper, and by the time I had finished the door goes.

I open it to find a well dressed Zayn standing there.

"Hey babe." He says and kisses me.

"Hey love." I reply.

He comes in my front door and he's holding a bottle of wine.

"Oh Italian red wine." I hear my dad acknowledge it.

"Yeah, it's good stuff." Zayn tells him and he smiles.

(A/n: Italian red wine is quite cheap here in England by the way)

I see my dad quickly take his phone out of his pocket, text someone, then put it back in his pocket.


"It's nice to meet you Mr Leigh." Zayn says politely whilst shaking his hand.

"You too, Zayn?" He says, but it comes out as more of a question.

"Yes Zayn." He smiles.

Just then, I hear another knock on the door.

"Who's that?" I ask my dad.

"Well, you had a plus one, so I decided to have one too." He grins and I squint my eyes again.

He's never told me about another woman.

Just then in walks the last person on earth I expected.


"Um dad.." I trail off.

"Hi Ciara. Hi Zayn." He smiles at us and we're both a bit taken aback.

"Oh um hi Harry." I say sheepishly.

"Yeah, hey mate." Zayn greets him.

"what have you got there Harry? Chateau Bernadotte wine? Wow that stuffs really expensive." My dad states.

(A/n: I'm no good at wine so I just googled expensive wines lol)

"Well I do try Dave." Harry smiles at him. (A/n: I think Ciaras dads name was Dave but I really can't remember sorry so his name is Dave now)

Im so confused.

"Well sit down everyone, dinners ready." My dad says and he shoots me a wink.

I'm gonna kill him.

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