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A/n; This chapter is dedicated to smartstyles because she is supporting this book like crazy and I love her so much for that!

Harry's POV;

I can't believe it.

She actually has feelings for me.

But why is she with Zayn?

Because she loves him, she only has little feelings for you. My subconscious sneers at me.

I mentally tell my subconscious to fuck off, before I make my way over to Ciara with her drink.

"Um here you go." I say and hand it to her. I don't really know how to approach her now.

"Oh um thank you." She replies awkwardly. Luckily she doesn't know I heard her whole conversation.

"So I'm gonna go find Niall, have fun you two." Lola says before winking at Ciara and walking away.

"What was that about?" I asked, pretending not to know.

"Nothing, come dance?" She changes the subject.

"You know I don't dance." I frown and she brings out her puppy eyes. She knows I can't say no to her puppy eyes.

"I hate it when you do that." I grown and she giggles before grabbing me and pulling me onto the dance floor.

Just then Maroon 5 comes on and I instantly grin at her, remembering her little dance that one time I came to her house.

She must of known what I was grinning about because she pipes up, "I'm not going to sing along again if that's what you're waiting for."

"Why not? I thought it was cute." I smirk at her.

She smirks as she sways her hips to the music and I try my hardest not to look her up and down, but it fails.

"I can see where your eyes are going Styles, I'm not blind." She smirks and I think I actually blush. That never happens to me. I'm too cool to be blushing.

Luckily she couldn't really see the colour of my cheeks because it was dark.

"I can't help myself." I bend down and whisper in her ear and she shivers.

I smirk, proud of the outcome.

"Come on, let's get some fresh air." I tell her, grabbing her wrist and pulling her outside.

"It's loud in there." She states.

"I know right, you think they'd be having a party in there." I smirk and she swats my arm playfully.

"Stop being sarcastic Styles." She grins. I like this side of her. I mean, I like every side of her, but her playful side is definitely one of my favourites.

"You hit me again." I smirk and her eyes widen as she takes a step back from me.

"Don't you dare-" she starts to say but I interrupt her by picking her up.

This time I'm tickling her and she's laughing obnoxiously loud, but I don't care, I love her laugh.

"Harry! Stop!" She says in between laughs.

"Are you going to apologise for hitting me?" I ask her, grinning even though she can't really see me.

"If you put me down I will." She giggles as I put her down.

"Well?" I raise my eyebrow at her.

"I'm sorry for hitting you." She grins.

"And you love me?" I say and she raises her eyebrows.

"Say it, or I'm going to have to tickle you again." I smirk and her eyes widen.

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry for hitting you, and I lo-" she was about to say until she was interrupted, by the one and only cum dumpster.

"There you are babe, I've been looking for everywhere! Come inside and dance with me?" He asks her and she nods.

"Sorry." She mouths at me before walking away with Zayn.

He always has to ruin the fucking moment.

She was just about to tell me she loves me, and I know she didn't mean it, and I was making her technically, but I would do anything to hear those words slip out of her mouth. I wish she did love me.


Ciara's POV;

"That was a good party, thanks babe." I tell Zayn before kissing his cheek.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it babe." He smiles at me.

I didn't see Lydia and Liam for the rest of the night, so I'm assuming Liam took her drunk ass home. I'm so gonna laugh at her when she wakes up with a hangover tommorow, considering she's never had one in the 18 years she's been alive.

I didn't really see Louis much either, I'm not even sure he turned up?

I saw Lola and Niall a lot though, they were sucking each other's faces off in the corner most of the night, until they decided to walk back to Nialls.

"Listen babe, I'm afraid I've had a bit to drink tonight, so I can't take you home." Zayn says and I mentally roll my eyes. He just doesn't seem to care anymore.

"It's fine, I'll take her home." Harry says and I smile at him.

"Cool. Well I'll see you soon babe." Zayn says to me and goes to kiss me on the lips but I turn my head so his lips land on my cheek.

He gives me a confused look, "not feeling too good, think I'm gonna throw up." Is the only excuse I can think of right now.

"Oh. Ew. Okay. Well hope you feel better soon." He says and hugs me.

He doesn't even feel like my boyfriend at this particular moment, he feels more like a friend.

"Yeah. Thanks. Bye." Is all I say before walking off and hopping in Harry's car.

Harry joins me seconds later, and starts his car.

"Bullshit you feel sick. You had one drink." He smirks at me.

"He's being a dick Harry. I haven't seen him for 2 weeks, and the time I do see him, he treats me as if we're friends. What if I really needed him in those 2 weeks? He wouldn't have been there for me." I rant to him.

"I would have been there." Harry mumbles.

"I know you would have been, and I'm grateful for that Harry." I say and place my hand on his thigh, and he smiles.

He places his hand over mine, and I swear I feel a spark of electricity race through me.

Usually I would pull away, as I don't want to complicate anything, but at this particular moment I didn't care. It felt right.

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