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So to make up for me being away for a long time, I've decided to upload twice a day (if I remember😂)

Ciara's POV;

"RISE AND SHINE BITCH!" I hear a familiar voice say.

"Ughhhh." I groan.

"What time is it?" I say, not even opening my eyes.

"Like half 10. The guys are already downstairs eating breakfast, you're the last one to get up love." Lola tells me and my eyes shoot open.

"Hang on one second... That's not your t-shirt." She says whilst squinting her eyes.

"Um how do you know that? Maybe I went out and bought it?" I lie.

"Well, it's just weird that a certain curly haired lad always wears white t-shirts and," She pauses to sniff me. "It smells like him too."

"Get off me." I laugh.

"So, you're wearing Harry's t-shirts huh? What else happened." She says whilst wiggling her eyebrows.

I may as well tell her as I'm going to tell the girls anyway.

"If you must know, I'm going on a date with him tonight." I tell her and her eyes light up.

"What?! Oh my god Ciara! Finally!" She squeals and I giggle.

"You haven't fucked yet have you?" She asks me and I turn bright red.

"Oh my god you have!" She screams.

"Lola! Shh! We haven't." I tell her and she calms down.

"Okay, good. I know I always joke about 'getting it' and shit like that, but in all seriousness, just make sure you're ready. I know you're not a virgin and all, but I'm your best friend and I'm just looking out for you." She says and my eyes widen at the fact she was serious for more than a minute.

"Oh my god." I say and she panics.

"What? What's happened?"

"You were actually serious for more than a minute! Where is Lola and what have you done with her?" I ask and she rolls her eyes.

"Shut up. I'm trying to be a good friend here."

"I'm sorry, of course I'll make sure I'm ready. Thanks Lo." I say and hug her.

"No problem babes. Right, let's go eat food." She says and picks me up bridal style.

"Lola, I can walk, I have legs!" I say whilst laughing.

"They're more like stumps actually." She smirks and I give her evils.

"Meanie. Not my fault I'm short." I say and stick my tongue out at her.

"It's nice of you to join us sleeping beauty." I hear Harry say when we enter the kitchen.

"Well I would have rather stayed in bed." I smirk at him.

"Nice t-shirt." Louis remarks, and I feel my cheeks heat up.

Fuck I need to hide this before they really embarrass me.

"Um, I just need to pee, I'll be right back." I mumble before scurrying out of the kitchen.

I practically run to the bathroom, and splash water in my face.

I went to the bathroom in my room because I prefer that one to the general bathroom.

Ugh I wish my cheeks didn't heat up so easily.

"Ahem." I hear someone cough and turn around to face - guess who?

"Well, you aren't exactly peeing." He smirks.

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