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Ciara's POV;

We played truth or dare for a good few hours until we were all pretty drunk.

I lost count of how many shots I had, all I knew is I was ready for bed.

"Nighhttttt everyoneeee!" I sing to them all.

I wasn't an annoying drunk, I was more of a tell the truth drunk.

Lola and Lydia always used to have fun when we got drunk because they would ask me loads of questions and as I was under the influence of alcohol, I would tell the truth.

I just hope and pray they haven't said anything to Harry because I don't know what I'll do if he knew I liked him.

"Nighhtttt babesss!" Lola replies and squeezes me.

"Night girly." A more sober Lydia says and hugs me.

I said goodnight to everyone and went to mine and Harry's room.

I nearly tripped over my own feet, but Harry kindly caught me.

"Bit drunk aren't you?" He grins at me.

"Noopee." I grin back.

I kneel on the floor whilst hunting through my suitcase to try and find some pyjamas, but I give up as they're at the bottom of my bag and I'm too drunk to even find them anyway.

I look up at Harry and I see that he's taking his top off.

I prevent myself from having a mini heart attack there and then, and breathe.

"Harrryyy." I sing, and he turns around to face me.

I also am more confident when I'm drunk, so I guess that's a good thing.

"Yes love?" He says and I almost die at the way he says 'love'.

"Can I sleep in your t-shirt tonight please? I can't find my pyjamas, and I like wearing your t-shirts." I admit.

"You're a lot more confident when you're drunk Ciara." He smirks at me.

"That's a good thing though." I smirk at him.

He walks over to me and stands in front of me.

I look up at him to see him smirking.

He's standing there in his boxers and I almost just die there and then.

I don't know if it's the alcohol talking or not but he turns me on so fucking much and he hasn't even done anything.

"I like it when you're on your knees." He smirks, and even though I'm drunk I can feel myself blush a very bright red.

Holy shit.

This boy gives me breathing difficulties.

Quite literally actually, as my breathing quickens.

"Here." He smirks and hands me his t-shirt before walking away.

"Thanks." I utter and go to the bathroom to change.

I bring some underwear with me as I'm still in my bikini.

I lock the door to avoid Harry walking in on me whilst I'm naked, and strip completely.

I may as well have a shower whilst I'm in here.

I open the door the tiniest bit and hide behind it so only my face is showing.

"Harry?" I call.

Seconds later he appears in front of me.

"Are you naked?" He asks and I nod.

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