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Ciara's POV;

"Is she awake?"

"No obviously not dumbass."

"Hey guys, it's her birthday, maybe we should leave her to sleep?"

"No, she gets enough sleep already."

I hear voices surrounding me. Am I dreaming?

I open my eyes to see 7 friendly faces staring back at me.

"Oh my fucking god what the fuck!" I immediately jump up.

"You guys scared the fuck outta me!" I tell them.

"Sorry, we just wanted to say happy birthday." Harry explains and I can't help but smile.

"Ugh I can't be mad at you guys." I say and they all hug me at the same time.

"Kind of crushing the birthday girl here." I gasp for air and they all let go.

"Sorry." Liam apologises.

"Right, so we haven't really got you individual presents, we all chipped in and got you one big present." Lola tells me and I frown.

"Guys, you really shouldn't have got me anything." I say. I hate it when people spend money on me.

"Shut the fuck up and listen." Lola tells me and I shut up.

"So, it was mine and Lydia's idea, but the guys chipped in as well." She explains.

She pulls out an envelope and hands it to me.

I look at her puzzled, and she smirks.

"Well, open it babe." Zayn chimes in.

Oh, he's actually here? I thought he would be recovering from his 'hangover'.

Pushing all my negative thoughts to the side, I carefully open the envelope and pull out what's inside.

"Oh my god! No fucking way!" I scream.

"How the fuck did you pay for all these?!" I yell excitedly.

Inside the envelope were 7 tickets to Ibiza.

"It doesn't matter, what matters is that you've been talking about going to Ibiza for your 18th since you were like 7." Lydia states, and I smile.

"You remembered." I say, and Lola and Lydia both nod.

"Of course we remembered dumbass. You're our best friend." Lola says and I hug them both.

"Right! Who wants pizza?!" Niall shouts and I laugh.

"Niall, it's like half 10 in the morning." I giggle.

"So we can have pizza for breakfast!" He replies and everyone laughs.


After everyone's stuffed their face with pizza, we all sat there stuffed.

"Well, you all wanna do something tonight?" I ask them all and they nod.

"I know, why don't we all go home, get changed and shit, then go out to a club or something?" Louis says and we all nod.

"Sounds good to me." I reply.

"Right, well I'm gonna go home now if we're going out because it's gonna take me about 8 hours to get ready." Lola says and I roll my eyes.

"What? It will!" Lola defends herself and I smirk.

"That means you have to come with me Lydia, Niall and Liam, otherwise you won't be able to get home." Lola says to them.

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