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Harry's POV;

I can't believe he gave her a bracelet in front of me.

He really fucking makes me angry.

She's fucking mine not his.

It made me laugh when she expected a hug from me though, Zayn looked mad as fuck.

Suddenly, my phone vibrates.

Why the fuck is he texting me?

From: cum dumpster

*picture message received*

Oops, think I wore her out;)

What the fuck is this.

It's a picture of my love and Zayn.

She's fucking naked in his bed.

Did they have fucking sex?

I swear to god if he's touched her I'm gonna kill him, and make sure she gets checked out because God knows what he's got.

My phone vibrates again.

From: cum dumpster

Oh did I mention she's now my girlfriend?☺️

Oh that's fucking it.

"ARGH!" I scream and punch my door.

"Woahhhh! Chill out Harry!" I hear Louis say.

"Sorry, your front door was open so I just came in, what's wrong mate?" He asks me and I honestly feel like crying.

"Look." I hand him the phone and he frowns.

"Show Ciara this." He says. "She won't exactly like her 'boyfriend' taking selfies of her in bed and bragging about it."

I smirk, he does have a point.

Ciara's POV;

I wake up remembering the events of last night.

I look to my left and see a sleeping Zayn.

I try to get up without waking him up, but it fails.

"Morning beautiful." He mumbles. "You weren't going to do a runner was you?" He grins.

"No of course not, I was going to get in the shower if that's okay." I say and he nods.

"Okay babe. Towels are over there." He says and points to a cupboard.

I walk over to the cupboard with the towels in and take one out, not really caring that I'm completely naked.

"I love your bum." Zayn says and I smirk.

I walk back over to him and climb on top of him.

"I'm glad you do." I say before kissing him.

He smirks and kisses me back.

He bites my lip making me moan and he slips his tongue in without hesitation.

Our tongues battle for dominance, and he obviously wins.

I begin to grind against him, making him moan, and I smirk knowing that I have that effect on him.

He manages to slip his boxers off so we're both completely naked, and he rubs the tip of his dick against my clit, causing me to moan.

"You're so fucking sexy baby." He hisses before slipping his dick in.

I grind against him and he moans.

I'm on top, so I'm in control and I like this.

He runs his hands through my hair and tugs on it slightly making me grind harder.

"Faster baby." He moans and I do as he says.

"Ciara." He moans.

I rock harder and he moans louder.

"I'm gonna cum." He says and after he says that I come undone, and he follows.

I fall on top of him and he grins.

"You're so good at that baby." He says, still breathing fast.

"I know." I smirk.

Just then, I hear the doorbell.

"I'll get it." I say and wrap the bed covers around me.

I walk downstairs and open the door to see Harry standing there.

"Oh erm hi Harry." I say awkwardly.

"Erm, come in?" I say, but it comes out as more of a question.

Harry's POV;

Her hair is a mess, and she has hickeys all over her neck.

Not even a joke, I can count four on her neck.

She smells like sex and it would be hot if it was me fucking her and not Zayn.

"Babe, who is it?" Zayn says as he walks down the stairs.

He's in sweatpants and his hair is also a mess.

I manage to hold my rage in, and not strangle him with my bare hands.

"Ciara. I need to talk to you." I say.

"Okay...." She says, unsure.

"Look." I say and hand her my phone.

She reads it and her mouth drops open.

"Zayn! Why would you send Harry that?" She yells and I literally have to turn away to hide the smirk on my face.

"Babe calm down." He says.

"How can I calm down when you're sending selfies of me naked to people!" She yells louder.

"Baby, to be fair you can't see anything." He tries to defend himself.

"That's not the point Zayn! Why did you do it?" She shouts, demanding an answer.

He sighs before answering.

"I did it, because I was bragging that I was with you. Ciara, I am so happy that I'm with you, and I just wanted to brag about it, because, well because I really like you Ciara and you do mean the world to me, and I guess I didn't know how else to show that. I'm so sorry baby, please forgive me." He says and this time it's my turn for my mouth to be wide open.

"You're not seriously gonna believe a word this dickhead says are you?" I snap.

"Harry." Ciara scowls.

"You promise that's the only reason Zayn?" She asks him, and he walks closer to her, and cups her chin.

"I promise baby." He says and kisses her. Right in fucking front of me.

I'm so fucking done.

I walk out the door without saying anything and slam the door behind me.

I actually think of going back in there and going with my original plan which was to strangle him, but I don't because I don't think Ciara would ever speak to me again if I did that.

Fuck this, I need Louis.

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