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Ciara's POV;

"So what did you all want to do today?" I asked the guys, before peeling a banana and eating it.

"Well, I've sort of already planned something." Niall tells us all.

"Aw baby, what is it?" Lola coos.

"I did some research last night, and I rung up someone, and hired us all out some motorcycles." He grins at Lola, then looks at the rest of our reactions.

"I fucking love you!" Lola squeals and hugs him.

"You're the best mate." Liam tells him.

"Well done Niall! I've always wanted to ride a motorcycle!" I tell him.

"Don't you need a license or something though?" Louis asks him.

"Nah, you have to sign some piece of paper saying that if you injure yourself you won't sue the guy but that's about it." He says. (I'm aware that this wouldn't happen but it's fiction so it's okay)

"Awesome! I'm gonna go get changed then." Ruby says before leaving to get dressed.

"Same here." I say before walking away.

I hear Harry follow behind me, and shut the door of the bedroom.

"Can you ride on the back of my bike?" He asks me, and I stop gathering my things to look at him.

"What?" I ask, making sure I heard him correctly.

"I'm just scared you'll hurt yourself if you drive it, considering you've never even driven a motorcycle before." He tells me, and I raise my eyebrow.

"Oh and you have?" I say.

"Yes actually. Please?" He walks over to me and takes my small hand in his.

"I just couldn't bear it if anything happened to you." He tells me.

"Harry... Let me make a deal with you?" I offer.

He doesn't say anything so I just make my deal known anyway.

"If I ride the motorcycle-" I start say but he cuts in.

"But-" He starts but I place my finger against his lips.

"Shh, let me speak." I say and he nods.

"If I ride the motorcycle, you can be the one on the back making sure I'm okay. And we can take it in turns who rides it, okay?" I ask him and he nods.

"Deal." He grins. "I don't mean to sound controlling, I just don't want to lose you Ciara, I know it might be a bit extreme, but motorcycles are dangerous, and you're my lifeline Ciara, I love you." He whispers the last part.

I smile at the fact that he said he loved me. Last night wasn't a dream after all.

"I know you mean well Harry, I love you too." I smile at him and he crashes his lips against mine.

Our kiss doesn't last too long because I have to push him off me as I need a shower.

"Want me to join you?" Harry smirks and I blush.

I've never had shower sex before, and i assume that's what he was implying.

He must have read my thoughts because he pipes up, "You've never had shower sex before have you?"

I look at the floor and slowly shook my head.

I couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

"I'm kind of glad you haven't, because I didn't get to steal your actual virginity, I can steal your shower virginity." He smirks and I blush even more.

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