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Ciara's POV;

I wake up to feel a rather heavy weight on me.

I open my eyes slowly and recognise a familiar bunch of chocolate brown curls leaning on my stomach.

I try and move him without waking him up, but I was unsuccessful.

"Sorry." I whisper. "I tried not to wake you."

"Don't be sorry love, I wanted to wake up when you did anyway so you wouldn't be alone." He admitted and I smiled.

That's so cute.

"Well isn't my dad here?" I ask him.

"No, he woke me up earlier to tell me to tell you, that he was called into work early, and that he loves you." He tells me and my eyes widen.

Dad woke Harry up? That's unfair of him!

"My dad woke you up instead of me? I'm so sorry Harry, that was really unfair of him." I say sternly and his eyes widen this time.

"No no, don't worry, I told him if he needed to tell you anything to wake me up instead of you because I wanted you to get as much sleep as you could." He mumbles the last part and I couldn't help my smile.

"Thank you Harry, that's really sweet of you." I beam at him.

"Well that's me." He smirks.

"Anyway, you realise we're going to Ibiza tommorow, so it would be a good day for you to pack." He tells me and I nod.

I hope he stays with me today, because I don't really want to be left alone as I'm still really upset about the events that occurred yesterday.

"I'll make you some breakfast if you want, then I'll go home so you can pack." He says and my smile fades.

"What's wrong Ciara?" His voice softens and he moves so his face is less than an inch away from mine.

"I just - no, don't worry, it's stupid anyway." I mumble and look away from him.

He cups my chin and turns my head so I'm looking back at him.

"Tell me, I'm sure it's not stupid." He says.

"I just kind of wanted you to stay with me today because I didn't want to be left alone, but it's fine if you wanted to go home, I don't mind." I ramble on.

"Of course I'll stay with all day if you want, but that means you'll have to come back to mine in a bit and help me pack." He smirks and I nod.

"Sure." I smile.


I opened my suitcase and placed it on my bed.

"Did you want me to help at all? I mean, I'm not that great with packing girls suitcases, but for you I will try." He smirks.

"You can help if you want." I smirk back. "Could you start taking all of my shorts out of the second draw for me please."

"Sure can do." He says, and starts doing just that.

I go over to my closet and start picking out the clothes I want to take, and start packing them into my suitcase.

Once I had done that, Harry had just about finished packing my shorts.

"What next?" He asks.

"Erm, well I'm going to pack all my bikins and um stuff." I say to him and he smirks.

"I can help pack your stuff if you want." He smirks and I feel my face heat up.

"I think I'll be okay packing them thank you." I reply.

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