Chapter 10: Dazai's 'Special Day'

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I jumped while eating a bag of popcorn, watching a movie on my computer at the agency. I decided to watch 'The Grudge'. I feel someone take the earbud out of my ear.

"Y/n, stop watching movies, and finish your work." Kunikida said.

"I did finish." I say, grabbing the earbud out of his hand.

"But it's only morning?" He said confused.

"Ya, I know." I said. "I got it all done last night." I place the earbud back in my ear and wait for him to leave.

"But Y/n-"

"Wait, you wanna know what I just noticed?" I ask while taking my earbud out of my ear. "Why aren't you doing your work?"


"Wow Kunikida..." I say disappointedly, "Yelling at me to cover up your laziness....."


"Get back to work!" 

"Yes mam!" He shouted, scared and walked away.

I place the earbud in my ear again and continue watching the movie. A few minutes later, I hear Dazai spin in his chair to my desk.

"I can never watch a movie in peace, can I?" I paused the movie and looked at him.

"Guess who's day it is?" He asked.

"I don't know. What Dazai?" I ask.

"I can't believe I have to remind you....." He said.

I blink twice at him. "Ya you're going to need to remind me...." I sigh.

"It's my birthday!" He exclaims.

I look at the date on my computer.

"Oh, happy birthday Dazai!" I say.

"And you are the first one to tell me that!" He cheers.

"Well, how do you wanna celebrate it?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"Your birthday," I say, "how do you wanna celebrate it?"

"I think maybe....."

"Hey, Y/n, Dazai." Kunikida said.

We both looked at him.

"There's a job downtown, you two are on it." He explained.

"Aw man...." I mumble, " I really wanted to finish this movie...."

~Time Skip~

Me and Dazai walked in the subway and found a seat before anyone else could take them. More people started walking inside. A lot of people made me uncomfortable. I felt my shoulders tense.

When the train starts moving, I sigh and look around. Everyone in there looked pretty boring. As if this was their daily schedule. I looked around until my eyes stopped on someone. A man that looked a few years older than me and Dazai. They stared at me. But not just any normal stare. That stare that says 'hi pretty lady'. He blew me a kiss. It made me wanna gag  I give him a death glare and look away. I look at Dazai. He seemed to be off in his own world. When the train stopped I got up as quickly as I could and grabbed Dazai's arm.

"Wait... What are you.." Dazai asked, confused.

"Let's go!" I say while walking as fast as I can out of the door.

"Y/n, calm down-"

I didn't look where I was going and bumped into someone. It was that creepy man from earlier.

Lucky and Unlucky {Dazai x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now