33 | bruise

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WHY WAS stephanie cole thinking of him, when she knew he wasn't thinking of her?

she wished she could ignore him, ignore him like he's ignoring her.

"stevie." matt pops his head through her door.

"nic made pancakes." matt smiles at her as she nods.

"why're you so depressed?" he asks her.

"how many times do i have to tell you this, i'm not depressed, i'm tired." she brought the covers as she moved in her bed to her side and closed her eyes

the girl heard matt walk out the room with a sigh.

a few minutes go by and her phone rung.

"hello?" she answered.

"stevie cole, get your fucking ass down." nic sternly told her through the device.


she got up from her bed with a groan "stupid matt always snitching." she mumbles under her breath.

going into her bathroom to fix herself she grabbed the concealer, dabbing it under her eyes a sigh escaping her lips.

while patting her eye bags she looked at herself and her face scrunched up as tears start to threaten down her cheek.

dabbing them away with the blender she smiled sadly at the mirror to practice the grin she would have plastered before walking in.

"hi." she says entering the kitchen.

chris, matt and nic all sat they're eating the pancakes.


she set herself down next to nic laying her head down on his shoulder.

"we're making a twitch stream." matt tells her munching on the blueberries next to the plate.

"i don't think i'm gonna be join, i don't look the best today." she stutters grabbing a pancake and taking a bite out of it.

chris sturniolo looks at the girl with a sigh escaping his lips.

"come on, you look fine." nic tells her with a knowing look.

she gazes around letting out a tired huff "okay."

the four sat in chris's room in front of the computer.

"let's wait for heather." chris said out of the blue.

"she's coming?" matt furrows his brows.

"maybe we should just do it only four of us." nic eyes stevie at the look of sadness taking over her face.

"nic, come on shes new here let's welcome her." chris turns his head.

heather dawson had eventually showed up and chose the seat next to chris blocking stevies vision from the screen.

the whole twitch she sat behind the four slowly listening in to the conversation.

her phone let out a ding when the others were playing on the laptop.

amour, a new coffee shop
opened legs go?

okay, when?

i'll pick u up
read by stevie

STEVIE HAD stood up from her chair, and running her hand through her hair.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑,,Chris sturniolo  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now