52 | locked

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WALKING INTO the kitchen christopher sturniolo was hit with the smell of her.

her perfume that had lilacs drawn on it, her shampoo that had a small scent of lavender that no one could really notice, but he did.

walking in he watched as she placed her food on the island table sitting to her back towards him.

she didn't see him.

"hi baby." stevies hand went to pet trevors head, he looks at her while sticking his tongue out.

"okay, but don't tell the boys." she whispers while picking a piece of her ham sandwich and throwing it to him.

"why do you act like we don't feed you?" she laughs looking as he devoured the peace.

chris stayed by the door his hands in his pockets as his eyes watched her movements.

this was very creepy but he couldn't help but stare.

how could one be so beautiful when all you could see was their back?

the way her hair ran down her shoulders and how her legs were always pulled up to her chest with a giggle, the freckles on her arms that made chris instantly want to trace them, even the nails on her fingers that painted in vibrant colors like her vibrant soul.

chris sturniolo wished he never met her.

his breathing grew heavy as he looks at her and not being able to think of anything other then her, sitting in front of him and he wasn't doing anything about it.

chris's hands start to shake violently by his side as he stood up straight from the wall he was leaning on, his chest heaving aggressively up and down.

the boy pulls at his hair as he runs up the stairs too fast causing him to bend down and hold his knees while breathing the air he didn't have space for.

barging into his room he slams the door falling into a ball while tugging at his brunette strands grunts leaving his mouth.

"get out!" he screams to the blue eyed girl stuck in his head.

he couldn't breath it was like the room was closing in on him and his hands were to weak to do anything.

chris sturniolo was so in love it frustrates him.

standing up while wiping his face the boy starts ripping his jacket off of him throwing it to the floor, finally letting air into his lungs.

falling to the ground chris laid on his back with hands on his side as he breathed like an elephant sat on his chest.

he breathed her too deeply and now his lungs couldn't forget her.

stevie cole and christopher sturniolo sat in the minivan with trevor in the back.

"okay let's go and the mcdonald's." she snaps while getting out the car.

chris following after her, but the door of the car has closed.

"trev." she try's to open the car, but the door stayed shut.

"can i have the keys chris?" she puts her hand out to the confused boy.

"i thought you had it." he turns his eyes.

"what no? why do you not?" stevie questions her voice raising.

the boy shook his head.

stevie squashed her face to the window of the front seat of the car seeing the key laid in the cup holder.

"chris..." she slowly stated.

"the keys are in the car, but we're outside the car and trev is inside." she panics looking to him while shaking him.

"okay, uh calm down, don't freak out." he begins to tell her while rubbing her shoulders.

"trev baby it's okay." she says through the glass.

"A B C D-" chris gets cut off.

"what're you singing?" she grips her hair.

stevie runs off somewhere as the boy keeps on singing.

"i'm breaking the window!" she runs back yelling in high pitch voice with a brick she found on the floor.

"hi. well we locked our baby in the car and people are judging us!" chris yells on the phone talking to the emergency assistance.

"i swear to god i'm gonna break it!" her stomping gets closer the brick over her head.

"sir please tell your baby it's gonna be okay." the women smiles through the phone.

"that's a teenage girl." he stutters making the lady let out an oh.

"don't worry trevor! don't worry stevies coming for you!" the girl holds the brick up to the glass.

the dog just sat on the cushions while staring at her, not really knowing what was going on, because he's a fucking dog.

"sir we just checked the signal, the door should be unlocked." the lady on the other side of the device states.

"check the doors!" chris tells stevie as she drops the brick, and pulling on the knob.

"it's not unlocked!" she screams bur ur suddenly opens.

"oh. that is amazing how did they do that." stevie leans on the car once it opens letting out heavy breaths.

"we got it!" chris waves at the people who were clearly judging them.

stevie grabs trevor and placed him to her chest.

trev let out a bark.

"i'm sorry to ask sir, but does your baby happen to be a dog?" the woman on the other line asks.

"yes, why?" chris breaths out.

suddenly the phone closes in his face.

as if nothing had happened the two teens and dog sat in the minivan chewing on some mcdonald's.

suddenly cutting the silence stevie burst into tears.

"what-whats wrong?" chris drops his chicken nuggets and turns to her.

she shoved her phone in his face.

"puppy.....in a.....cup!" she wails out while he sees a picture of a Pomeranian sitting in a coffee mug.

chris smiles up at her with her head back watching her sob.

maybe in another life time he'll be able to love her out loud.

H speaks!
my heart hurts ughhhh


𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑,,Chris sturniolo  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now