79 | concerts and tears

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STEVIE COLE SAT backstage of her stadium her legs crossed breathing heavily.

her first ever concert, can you believe she's made it this far?

christopher sturniolo sat in the living room while scrolling through instagram.

his phone rang.

"hey." he smiles.

"hi chris." odettes voice rings through.

"happy birthday." he grins while eating some of his bar of chocolate.

"could you come over." she shrugs his words off.


"i wanna go to the movies, their giving a discount for birthdays." she stated twirling her blond hair around her finger.

"odette, i would love to but today is stevies concert and-" he was cut off.

"oh my god! i knew it." she groans.

"knew what?"

"your ditching me for stevie again?" her obnoxious voice stated.

"no- no, it's just her first ever performing." he stutters.

"it's my birthday!" she yells.

"you always choose stevie dont you?! it's always stevie this, stevie that! she's not the queen of the world!" odette booms.

"like i get it she lives with you and your best friends, and she had this tough childhood and shit, but not everything revolves around her!" she harshly says.

"odette come on." chris grimaced.

"that's not fair." he mumbles.

"are you coming or not?" she asks final.

"three two..." she breaths walking onto the stage everyone stars clapping.

she was gonna fall into her pool of tears.

"oh my god." her hand hits her heart.

doing whatever you do in the start of a concert she starts singing before he cheats.

everyone sang with her, she smiles softly.

looking into the crowd.

no sign of her boys.

no worries they're probably late.

"brother?" she tells into the mic as the crowd cheers as they agree.

singing the song all of a sudden two arms come and grab her waist making her gasp.

looking to her side: nic and Matt.

she giggles continuing the song while the two run up and to the fans and touching they're hands.

stevie searched the stage for chris sturniolo.

sure she was still angry at him, but it was chris, of course he needed to be here.

feeling a presence next to her, it was nic.

"he didn't come." and with his words stephanie coles face had fallen so quickly.

it's like someone had just told her she was diagnosed with cancer.

"what?" she mumbles as the music of guitars and drums was playing behind her.

but they were all tuned out.

this has to be joke right?

first the interview and now this.

"he didn't show." she mumbles to herself.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑,,Chris sturniolo  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now