93 | cassette player

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STEPHANIE COLE SITS in her seat, she was in the mood to annoy someone.

the only person available was chris, so she struts into his room.

"yo what's up bitch!" stevie yells.

"stevie i'm really not in the mood." the boy rubs his temples but she doesn't listen.

"you know this morning i thought i saw a cheeseburger doing yoga!" the girl stands at the front of his room jumping up and down.

"cool, but seriously i'm tired." the boy sits up while grumbling.

"and trevor and i went on a walk we thought we saw a dog smoking a cigar but it wasn't." she laughs.

she starts dancing and humming to a song.

"stevie please-" he was cut off when the girls hip hits the cassette player on his desk making it fall.

"stevie!" he jumps from his bed and to the broken machine.

"oh my god, i'm sorry chris, really i'll buy you a new one." she kneels down next to him.

"you cant, this is the one tauntie got me." chris spits out holding the cassettes in his hands.

she stares at it.

"shit, seriously i'm sorry, i'm so so sorry." her hands tuck her hair behind her ears.

"no stevie! i told you i'm not in the mood and you don't listen!" he yells at the girl.

"you cant say sorry and expect me to forget, this was the last thing she gave me!" chris screams throwing his hands in the air.

"i know, i know, i'm stupid, i'm clumsy and-" she was cut off seeing tears in his eyes.

"oh my gosh, i'm sorry." her heart ached.

"no stop, you can't keep thinking that you'll get away with this shit!"

"seriously, just be more careful cause look at what you did!" he points to the broken cassette player.

"what's wrong with you?" he screams loudly throwing his hands in the air making the girl flinch.

but chris looked up at her realizing his words, he sounded like romeo.

the boy took a step back gulping.

"i'm sorry," he mumbles furrowing his brows.

"no i'm sorry i-i wasn't- i should've left when you asked me to." she backs away from him.

"stevie, sweetheart." he grabs the girls hand gently.

"i'm the one who should be apologizing, you didn't mean it." the kid looks up at the girl.

his hands wrap around her head as she places it on his chest with a sigh.

"i'm sorry, i'm sorry." she repeated over and over again feeling his lips on her head.

they were soulmates, truly.

maybe in another life time, they could meet, in the right place, right time, and grow old together.

chris sturniolo knew everything about her.

he knew that she had scars on her body that only she knew about, that only she could see.

he knows she remembers how she got it.

he knows her body will be cold after she dies, and right now as he's hugging her he can guarantee that its warm.

he knows that the sun will rise every single day until it doesn't, until there's no more reason to.

he knows time itself holds her tight.

he knows that she gets ink on her fingers and she doesn't know when it'll come off.

he knows that strangers did that to her heart in the same way.

if someone where to ask stevie cole to describe chris sturniolo she wouldn't be able to.

describing him was like trying to imagine a new color and then realize

some things are too beautiful to make sense of.

chris sturniolo was everything she could ever imagine.

the boy walks down the stairs of his house itching his back and entering his kitchen.

humming a song chris opens his fridge pulling out a root beer and swiftly turning around.

before he could walk away he sees a cake on the table.

walking closer it wrote "i'm sorry."

he grins softly.

"stevie." chris says out loud.

"i'm sorry!" she runs to him out of no where crying while hugging the boy.

"i said it's okay, don't worry." he rubs her back making her wail more.

romeo used to call this playing the victim, she didn't know if she was or she wasn't. she didn't care, stevie cole was genuinely upset.

she had made her favorite human being ever mad at her.


 liked by, mattsturniolo, steviecole 398,988 others

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liked by, mattsturniolo, steviecole 398,988 others

CHRISSTURNIOLO i forgive you🥲🥲🥲

view comments here

steviecole i'm sorry
nicsturniolo ENOUGH

stevopher4life my heart cannot handle this

mattsturniolo awww.... no where's the cake, i'm hungry

usernamenine ewwww

username i cant even believe how in love they are

usernameone until these two start dating i will start believing in love once again


steviecole matt ate it wtf
chrissturniolo it's okay i'll always remember u made it
steviecole bitch stfu u wanted a slice

h speaks!



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