68 | train

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STEVIE COLE AND the triplets all sat in the small room watching some old romantic french movie.

"that's so weird." she comments at the screen.

"if someone ever ran after my train i'd like throw my shoe at them." she giggles making the boys laugh.

"i find it cute." nic comments.

"cute? that's the cheesiest shit i've ever seen." she rolls her eyes while frowning.

"stevie." chris taps her shoulder.

she swiftly turns.

"please." the boy begs and she gets up rolling her eyes already knowing he wanted a snack.

"fine." and she was off to the kitchen where her grandmother sat.

"bonjour mémé." stevie greets while opening the cabinet of sweets.

"stevie, siéger." the old woman tells her.

( stevie, sit. )

the girl takes a sit next to her while smiling.

"j'ai besoin que tu restes avec moi un peu de temps." the grandmother stated with a sigh.

( i need you to stay with me for a little while. )

stevies face fell.

"mémé, je ne peux pas devoir retourner en Amérique." stevie holds her hand.

( i cant i have to go back to America. )

"il seulement quelques semaines chérie j'ai besoin d'aide autour de la maison et je suis seul." eloise stated softly to her.

( its only a few weeks sweetheart i need help around the house and i'm alone. )

a few weeks, she's never even been six hours without the boys. she's never been in a different country then them.

but it was her grandmother, and she was old.

"fuck." she mumbles under her breath.

"okay." stevie nods.

she told the boys.

it wasn't that big of a deal for anyone, but these four hadn't been away from each other for all their lives, never.

it's stevies first time sleeping in a house without any sturniolo.

she wasn't scared for herself, but for them the dummies don't know how to do anything by themselves.

"it's only two weeks." stevie tells them with a sigh.

"two weeks is a long time." chris stated.

the four were on the train to the airport since the airport was out of town.

"who's gonna sing us to sleep?" matt asks.

"who's gonna make us mac and cheese." nic looks sadly.

"who's gonna be our stevie." chris questions softly his head on her shoulder.

"guys." she smirks.

"i'm a phone call away, and it's two weeks." she mutters to them.

"your acting like your not gonna cry." matt smiles.

the four now all stood outside the train station as stevie cole hugs each boy.

"love you." she wraps her arms around matt, then nic.

and then chris.

his arms snaked around her waist as he breathed in her scent.

"i love you." her forehead placed on his as small tears fall down her eyes.

she promises she's not dramatic, she's literally never been away from them.

"don't be a dick to them." she giggles holding his face.

"alright." he fake groans.

pulling apart she wiped her face.

"group hug." suddenly the three sturniolo boys jump into her arms while tackling as she giggles.

"i love you guys so much." she whispers through the hug

stevie walked onto her seat on the train as she waves bye to the triplets from her window.

her headphones pull up onto her ears as the train starts to move.

"mademoiselle." an old lady taps on her shoulder making her turn around.

the lady points to stevies window.

and then she saw chris, matt and nic running after her train while blowing kisses.

she chuckles a breathy laugh while she cries softly.

her breath goes onto the window.

and wrote, c + s.

family wasn't just blood.

H speaks!
seriously got me in my feels.

realized romeo is stevies dean, but chris is stevies jess.

but i think i forgot that jess and rory don't have a happy ending....

love u all so much!!


also stevie and the boys got me in my feels :((((

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