76| fuzzy & smiley

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STEPHANIE COLE HATED chris sturniolo, she absolutely hated him.

how could he?

it was like he picked at her heart like it was some kind of scab, it's like he gave up on her like she was a bad drug.

stevie hated him, she hated his face, his stupid giggle, his name, his eyes, his smile, his voice but mostly she hates the way that she doesn't hate him, not even a little bit.

she wanted nothing more than to wake up from the last few days and find out it was a nightmare, that the only odette chris knew was stevie, that the boy loved her like she loved him.

but he held his pride like he should've held her.

her state sat on the edge of her bed closing her big blue eyes while sighing.

rubbing her arm up and down.

christopher sturniolo drew stars around stevie coles scars, but now she's bleeding.

"aloha mi amgos." nic greets the camera.

they played the intro.

"today there's been this thing that's trending on tiktok." nic stated as they all stood in front of the lens in the kitchen.

"wait wait wait." stevie puts her hand up and going to the table picking something up.

"you guys remember this little guy." she holds the one hundred k plaque.

nic pulls out the one million plaque they had just received.

"stevies not even letting us hold or touch it without gloves." chris laughs looking at the girl while smiling but she refuses to look back.

"thank you guys so much." they thank them more and talk about that for a while longer.

until the camera cut.

"sprite as you know is a soda." matt giggles clapping his hands.

"a very carbonated beverage." stevie slings her arm over his shoulder while starting.

"it makes your tummy like all bubbly, whatever." she laughs softly rubbing her stomach.

"well there's a trend to try and chug a sprite." nic begins explaining the task for a little while.

"alright no burping." the girl tells them as they all hold their can and start drinking.

she downed the soda.

"yo dude slow down." matt grabs the can while cackling.

"don't worry bitch i got this." she hits his ass with hers.

feeling the eyes of christopher sturniolo burning into the side of her head.

a while of sipping the drink and swallowing the burps that pounded on their chests.

"i feel like im gonna throw up." stevie holds the chair while breathing heavily.

causing them to point at her while laughing.

chris ended up burping like a whole ass song.

"alright done-" and with those words stevie cole erupted to burps, she was like a ballon deflating as she flung across the room.

"oh my god." matt cackles.

"sis is burping the whole alphabet." nic laughs.

the camera cuts.

"so if you guys follow us on instagram you know that someone asked for chris and stevie to preform a puppet show." nic holds the lens as they sat in the mall.

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