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STEPHANIE COLE and christopher sturniolo laid on stevies bed with both their eyes closed and heavy breaths filled the room.

stevie on one side and chris on the other.

if you were to walk in then you would laugh at the sight, stevie laid with the whole blanket wrapped around her like a cocoon, and chris laid shivering asleep with his arms on his stomach and absolutely zero cover even touching him.

but don't think that the girl snatched it from him, she would have gladly given him some space for the blanket, if he had told her.

but she was too cute.

he loved how she looks with it wrapped around her like a burrito, she looked so cuddly, so huggable, so pretty, so warm, so pretty.

her eyelashes that flutter whenever she breaths, how her lips always look so soft when she's asleep, or even how she unknowingly lay her forehead on his.

he really just wanted her to love him, that was all.

chris's eyes stayed closed even when he had awoken, because he knew that if he opened them he couldn't help but turn around and stare at the beautiful girl next to him.

but his heart took over him and he slowly turned around the boys eyes meeting the sleeping stevie.

he wanted to know everything.

was he in her dream right now?

was she happy or sad?

could she open her eyes just for him to see the blue iris?

is dreaming of someone else?

did she love him back?

his eyes softened, isnt it amazing how a person could feel like home?

"lovely." he couldn't help but mumble while staring at her.

his hand reached out to her waist, it was hovering.

"no, no." he mumbles swiping it back and tucking it under his stomach.

then again, he wanted to feel her touch.

his arm standing over once more.

"stop, no." he shook his head.

maybe she was better not to touch, she was too beautiful to be touched.

"hey bitches!" stevie cole screams to the camera.

"chris that's sideways!" she yells to the boy.

"you go check then." he mocks her.

the camera cut.

"are we gonna film a conspiracy video?" chris asks the magic eight ball while shaking it.

"we're filming a conspiracy video- put that fucking down!" nic cuts himself off while gritting his teeth.

"does stevie get any bitchs?" chris asks while sticking his tongue out and rolling the ball.

"oh no." chris turns around, "not so good," he mumbles with a giggle as she rolled her eyes.

the camera cut.

"so we're going a conspiracy theory video." stevie pulls out her phone as matt and chris start fighting.

"hey!" her hand comes between them.

"stop it!" she yells with her eyes narrowed the boys sink themselves into their sits while mumbling a sorry.

"do you think that eight balls actually work?" matt asks while itching his nose.

𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑,,Chris sturniolo  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now